Pyramid Scheme (6)

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    Holding the torch, Kiyo led Kaito through the long, narrow tunnel, which now seemed to be slanting downwards. 

   "Is it me, or is the tunnel slanting?" Kaito asked. 

   " does seem like we are descending," Kiyo replied. "Perhaps we are going somewhere underground."

   "Underground, huh?" Kaito muttered quietly. 

   "Does the thought perturb you?" Kiyo asked. 

   "Well, no, not really," Kaito replied. "I'd just rather be far above Earth than below it. I'm the Luminary of the Stars, not the Luminary of the Mole People!"

   " might as well be," Kiyo said. "We might be underground for quite some time. We may never even get out of here...alive."

   "Hey, don't say things like that!" Kaito said. "We are going to get out of here! I can't die before I've gone to space!"

   "Such blind optimism," Kiyo said, shaking his head. "Your positivity is inspiring, Kaito, but will it be enough to get us out of this pyramid?"

   "Of course! After all, the impossible is possible! All you gotta do is make it so!" Kaito answered. 

   "I do admire your determination," Kiyo admitted. "I am always excited to see how far determination can bring a person to triumph over even the most complicated and difficult of endeavors such as this one."

   "Well, I'm definitely gonna make sure everyone gets out of here safe and sound!" Kaito said confidently. "Besides, what kinda hero would I be if I just let everyone die? Nobody is going to die on my wat-" Kaito was unable to finish his sentence as the floor beneath them became so suddenly steep that they began to slide. Kiyo and Kaito screamed on the way down until the slide dropped them into an empty room. 

   "Well, that was most unfortunate," Kiyo said, standing up and brushing himself off. 

   "Yeah, where even are we?" Kaito asked, squinting his eyes around the dark, gloomy room. Kiyo shined the torch all around him to get a better look at his surroundings. 

   "I am afraid I do not know," Kiyo admitted reluctantly. "Perhaps we are trapped in here."

   "Tch...well, no trap is gonna keep me in here!" Kaito said. "I'll beat the crap outta this trap!"

   "I would rather die than hear you say that again," Kiyo said. 

   "It's true, though!" Kaito said, thrusting his fists together. "Bring it on, trap! Show me what'cha got! Don't hold back!" The room remained silent, however. "Haha! That's what I thought! The trap is too scared because it knows that Kaito Momota is in its presence!" 

   "No, that is not what I think is going on," Kiyo muttered in thought. "The trap has to be triggered by something."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now