Oumeno Headcanons: Part 1

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*I noticed that I've never posted some Oumeno headcanons, even in the previous volume, "Liar, Liar, The Mage's Desire Vol. 1," so, here are some of my Oumeno headcanons:

 Kokichi and Himiko sing "Baby It's Cold Outside" every Christmas.

On road trips, Kokichi knows when Himiko has to use the bathroom, so he makes a note of when to stop so she can use it.

Whenever Kokichi and Himiko hug, they squish their cheeks together

Sometimes, they use insults as terms of endearment

Kokichi calls Himiko his "Supreme Lady"

Kokichi is Himiko's assistant in her magic shows

Himiko has a shrine of Kokichi in her closet XD

Himiko is afraid of clowns, but Kokichi is currently helping her get rid of her coulrophobia

Kokichi likes to pamper Himiko whenever she's sick or on her "girly time."

Himiko gets special "perks" in D.I.C.E. just for being Kokichi's girlfriend/Supreme Lady

Kokichi and Himiko sometimes sleep in the living room together in a pillow fort that they built

Kokichi and Himiko enjoy watching movies together, particularly Disney movies

Himiko is desperately trying to get Kokichi into Harry Potter XD

Kokichi and Himiko have a youtube channel where they play video games and react to stuff

Kokichi and Himiko want to have either a Halloween-themed or April Fools Day-themed wedding

Whenever Kokichi compliments Himiko, Himiko will bashfully cover her face with his scarf (yes, while he's wearing it). XD

Sometimes, when Himiko is really cold, she'll go to Kokichi's closet and "borrow" one of his extra large hoodies. (Extra large cuz Kokichi gets cold easily, too, just not as much as Himiko).

Kokichi and Himiko secretly like to attend Renaissance fairs (without the others knowing). Kokichi dresses up as a court jester, and Himiko dresses up as a witch.

When something is too high for Himiko to reach, Kokichi will hoist her up on his shoulders so she can reach it. The same thing happens when something is too high for Kokichi to reach; Himiko will climb up on his shoulders and get it down for him.

One of their favorite games to play is Truth or Dare. Himiko has yet to choose "dare," while Kokichi has yet to choose "truth." They both want each other to choose the opposite of what they usually say, and they are waiting so hard for the moment when it finally happens. XD

Sometimes, Himiko takes Kokichi on broom rides, which can sometimes turn into something romantic, initiated by Kokichi's flirting.

Sometimes, Himiko will steal Kokichi's cape and hat and pretend that she's the Supreme Leader.

Sometimes, when Himiko's eating, Kokichi will purposely make her laugh and try to get her to spit her food or drink out. XD

Kokichi and Himiko sometimes quote lines from Spongebob to each other.

Kokichi can yodel and Himiko, much to Himiko's annoyance. He yodels to get what he wants faster. So, if he wanted a hug, but Himiko refused, he would yodel to get her to hug him.

Himiko knows where Kokichi's tickle spot is and tickles him there when he gets on her nerves too much.

Kokichi mumbles in his sleep, and Himiko will record him doing so, so that whenever she's feeling sad, she can listen to recordings of Kokichi mumbling in his sleep.

When Himiko is asleep, Kokichi will write something random on a sticky note and attach it to Himiko's forehead, so the first thing Himiko will see when she wakes up is whatever Kokichi wrote on that note. XD

When Himiko is tickling Kokichi, Kokichi will retaliate by pinning Himiko down and tickling her face with his bangs.

Kokichi likes to flip his eyelids inside-out just to gross Himiko out

Kokichi helps Himiko to perfect her evil laugh

Sometimes, Kokichi lets Himiko win when they're playing video games because he's way better at them than she is.

   *That's all for now. I'll post a part 2 whenever I think of more Oumeno headcanons. ^-^

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