Frankenhamster (End)

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   Inside Himiko's magic room, Himiko went straight for the bookshelf full of grimoires. She scanned their spines until she found the one she was looking for: "Cures For the Cursed Beast."

   " it is!" Himiko said, pulling the grimoire off the shelf. She joined Kokichi at the table in the middle of the room and flipped through the pages. 

   "Will any spells in there actually work?" Kokichi asked. "Maga-Z isn't cursed, just mutated."

   "Nyeh...tomato, to-mah-to," Himiko replied, waving her hand dismissively. Kokichi smiled in amusement at her. "There's no harm in trying."

   "Welp, if you say so!" Kokichi replied. Himiko stopped on a chapter.

  "It says here, 'Music will soothe the savage beast, but it isn't the only thing. It is fun to charm the savage beast as you play an instrument or sing. But when the wild beast is loose and causing a commotion, the next best thing to stop it is a Slakov potion! '" Himiko read the list of ingredients for the potion. " it!"

  "So..what's a Slakov potion?" Kokichi asked. 

   "It's a relaxant potion," Himiko explained. "It puts you in a very calm and placid state to the point where you don't wanna do anything."

   "'ve been drinking a lot of that potion, haven't you?" Kokichi joked with a cheeky grin. Himiko smiled and smacked his arm playfully. 

   "Very funny," she said. "But that's only to calm Maga-Z down. We also have to turn him back to his normal self. There's gotta be a spell for that in here, too!" She flipped through more pages until she found what she was looking for. "A-ha! This might help: 'If a once gentle creature is now a vicious, raging beast, never fear! The spell you are looking for is on this page here! Point your wand at the creature in question, and repeat these words that I will mention: Pure Sweet Sugar Healing!' "

  "Wha...Pure...Sweet...Sugar...Healing?! " Kokichi asked, his eyebrow raised. "What kind of spell is that?! You mean to tell me that there are...magical girl-sounding spells that actually exist?!"

  "Lemme see who this chapter was written by," Himiko said, flipping back to the beginning of that particular chapter. "Oh, no was written by Princess Vali of the Spring Mages. She's, like, eight years old, or something. She must have invented this spell."

   "What?! There are Spring Mages?! And a little girl made that spell up?! You can make up spells?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!" Kokichi exclaimed, his head swimming in confusion. 

    "Yup, there are mages of the four seasons, not just the elements," Himiko explained. "And yeah, you can make up spells and write them in a grimoire to help other magical beings, but...we'll talk about all of that later. Right now, I need to get to work on that potion."

  "Okie-dokie, Himikokie! I'll leave you to it!" Kokichi said. He sat down on a stool, casually flipping through a fashion magazine from the magical world called, "AbracaDapper," while Himiko prepared the potion. Finally, she finished the potion and poured the blue, thick substance into a cup before slapping a lid on it.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now