Psycho Saihara (1)

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     "Hey, guys! The pizza's here!" Kaede announced as she brought the pizza into Tsumugi and Angie's room. The girls of Casa V3 were having their monthly slumber party, and this time, they were holding it in Tsumugi and Angie's room, since the theme of this slumber party was "magical girls." Excited for the theme, Tsumugi had made them all cosplay pajamas based off of their favorite magical girls. They were in the middle of Sailor Moon when Kaede had brought up the pizza.

   "Finally! I'm starving!" Tenko said, jumping up to help Kaede with the five boxes of pizza. "Lemme help you with that, Kaede!"

   "Thanks, Tenko!" Kaede replied with a grateful smile. Tenko and Kaede began separating the boxes, and opening them so each girl could get their slices. 

   "Ooo! Yay! Pineapple pizza, my favorite!" Angie said, taking five slices, and slapping them onto her plate.

   "That is quite a bit of pizza, Angie," Kirumi said with concern. "Are you sure you will be alright afterwards?"

   "Ohhh, do not worry, Kirumi!" Angie chirped. "Atua told me to starve myself for two days, just for this occasion, so that is exactly what I did!"

   "Ha-ha! You're lucky I'm not Atua, or I would have told you to starve yourself for a month!" Miu cackled. 

   "Maybe you should try that," Maki said, giving Miu a cold stare.

   "Eeee...don't look at me like that!" Miu whimpered. "I was just makin' a joke, dammit!"

   "Hey, guys, let's not fight," Kaede chimed in. "C'mon! Let's eat our pizza, and watch Sailor Moon!"

   "So...would you guys like to be Sailor Guardians?" Tsumugi asked.

   "Yeah!" Miu said. 

   "Wait...really, Miu?!" Kaede asked in surprise. 

   "Uh-huuh! I'd be Sailor Moon so I could show all the boys what a real moon looks like!" Miu said. The other girls groaned in disgust. 

   "I wanna be Chibiusa!" Tenko squealed. "She's so cute, tiny, adorable, and I love her pink hair! AAUUUGHHH!!"

   "I think I would like to be Sailor Jup-" Kirumi began.

   "Why not just choose our ultimate talents for our Sailor titles?" Miu interrupted.

   "Miu! Don't interrupt Kirumi!" Kaede scolded. 

   "Huh? Oh! Sorry, cleaning lady!" Miu said. 

   "It is fine," Kirumi said, slightly irritated. "Carry on."

   "I could be Sailor Inventor!" Miu continued. "Kaede can be Sailor Pianist, though, people might get the wrong idea when they hear that! Ha-ha! Kirumi can be Sailor Maid, Maki is Sailor Assassin, Tencrotch is Sailor Aikido, Tsumugi is-"

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