The Case of the Missing Pop Star (End)

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       "Thank you guys again so much for rescuing me," Izumi said to Shuichi, Kokichi, and Himiko. It was two days after Hibiki had been arrested. Shuichi decided that he, Kokichi, and Himiko should wait out the typhoon at Sayaka's mansion until most of it had passed. Now, they were getting ready to leave. 

   "Yes, Shuichi! Thank you, and Kokichi, and Himiko for helping us," Sayaka said gratefully. "Our tour will continue because of you guys!" She paused as her face suddenly appeared downcast. "Though, I really wish things could have been different. I really wish I hadn't treated Hibiki so unfairly. She was right to be upset at me." Shuichi put a comforting hand on Sayaka's arm. 

   "Don't beat yourself up too badly, Sayaka," he said. "You're human, just like everyone else. We all forget, and we need to be reminded every now and then of the good things we have in our lives."

   "You mean like how you forgot to meet me downstairs that one night?" Yui asked bitterly in a quiet voice. Her head was bandaged from when Hibiki struck her. Shuichi looked at her in confusion.

   "What do you mean?" he asked.

  "I slipped you a note telling you to meet me downstairs a few nights ago," Yui pouted. "But, you never did!"

   "Um...that's actually my fault," Michiko admitted sheepishly. "I snuck into Shuichi's room to get the note because it was really stupid of Yui to be worrying about having a make out session with some boy instead of finding Izzy."

   "Y-You wanted to m-make out with me, Yui?!" Shuichi exclaimed. 

   ", not make out," Yui replied, blushing. "I just, you know, wanted to talk to you, and...maaaaybe kiss you." Shuichi blushed beet red.

   "Ohh...I see," he replied, clearing his throat. 

   "D'awww, you hear that?" Kokichi teased, pinching Shuichi's cheek and yanking it around. "Yui wanted to give Shuichi-Weechi a wittle kissy-wissy! Mwa-hahahahahahaaaa!!!"

   "Stop that, Kokichi!" Shuichi scolded, swatting Kokichi's hand away. 

   "Nyeh...he should be called Shuichi 'Sahara,' cuz I bet he's feeling all hot like a desert inside!" Himiko teased. She and Kokichi giggled mischievously.

   "Ughh...cut it out, you two," Shuichi muttered sheepishly. The others laughed.

   "Hey, Kokichi? If I may ask, why did you suspect me?" Yui asked.

    "Oh! Well, I suspected you because you wanted a boyfriend so badly that you'd even sabotage your own band just to have one," Kokichi explained. 

   "I see..." Yui replied quietly. 

   "Welp, don't feel too bad about it," Kokichi said. "Besides, you ended up not being the culprit, so don't worry about it."

   "What Kokichi means to say is that we're sorry we had to suspect you, Yui, but we only had to do it to find the truth," Shuichi said. Yui smiled at him.

   "It's okay," she replied. "I understand." Shuichi turned to Michiko.

   "And I'm sorry for accusing you of kidnapping Izumi, Michiko," he said.

   "Don't worry about it," Michiko replied, holding up her hand. "I'm just glad this is all done and over with."

   "Well...guess it's time for us to go, then," Shuichi sighed. "The rain has let up a little, and I'm ready to take a break." Sayaka and her friends escorted Shuichi, Kokichi, and Himiko to Kaito's car as Shuichi and Kokichi began loading theirs and Himiko's suitcases into the trunk. 

   "Well...I guess this is goodbye," Sayaka said. 

   "For now," Shuichi replied with a shrug.

   "Yeah, we'll see you at school, remember?" Himiko said to Sayaka. 

   "Of course!" Sayaka replied, smiling kindly. 

   "I won't see you, anymore," Yui mumbled sadly to Shuichi. Shuichi smiled and placed a gentle hand on Yui's shoulder. 

   "I hope you find a guy who'll love you with all his heart someday, Yui," he said. "Until then, well...I guess I could give you something to look forward to." Shyly, he leaned forward and gave Yui a small, gentle kiss on her lips. 

   "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Yui screeched with happiness as she swooned. Sayaka and Izzy caught her arms, making sure she didn't hit the ground as she fainted.

   "Wow...I feel sorry for the guy she gets married to when she bursts his eardrums," Kokichi said. Shuichi chuckled as he opened the car door to the driver's seat.

   "C'mon, you two, let's go," he said. Kokichi and Himiko climbed into the back seat. Shuichi started the car, and with one last wave at Sayaka and her friends, he drove away from the mansion. "By the way, Kokichi, how'd you learn to drive like that a few nights ago?"

   "Nee-heehee...I'm the supreme leader of evil!" Kokichi replied. "I gotta learn to drive like that to escape the coppers!"

   Is he being serious? Shuichi thought to himself. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't want anymore mysteries for a while. Instead, he just wanted to relax. A smile spread across his face. "You guys wanna get something to eat on the way home?"

   "Nyeh? You mean, you're not gonna yell at us for stopping all the time?" Himiko asked.

   "No," Shuichi replied. "Besides, I think you two deserve a reward for helping me out. I wouldn't have been able to solve the crime nearly fast enough without the both of you. Whatever you guys want, it's on me!" Kokichi and Himiko grinned mischievously at each other.

   "Okaaayyy..." Kokichi said, ruffling Shuichi's hair. "You asked for it, Shuichi!" 

   "Ohhh, boy," Shuichi sighed with a smile. Though he knew he was probably in for a giant shopping spree, he didn't seem to mind. He remembered what he said to Sayaka about people forgetting the things and people that were important to them. Although Kokichi and Himiko annoyed him at times, he was grateful for them, as well. And he decided that he wanted to express that to them so he wouldn't forget how important they were to him. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now