Dead Girls Tell No Tales (8)

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    "Kokichi?" Himiko asked as she stepped into the cabin and closed the door behind her. Kokichi was lying angrily on the bed. He turned his head to face Himiko.

  "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Well...that's what I wanted to ask you," Himiko said timidly. She sat down on the edge of the bed opposite of Kokichi. "Why are you so upset, Kokichi?"

   "What are you talking about? I'm fine," Kokichi grumbled. Himiko sighed.

  "It's just that...ever since we've been on this ship, you've been so angry," she said. "You don't laugh, or call me any of my nicknames, or have fun, or-"

  "Himiko, this is serious!" Kokichi interrupted testily as he sat up. "We're stuck in this freaking parallel universe! There's no time for fun, or nicknames, or anything like that!"

   "But...even in the most dire situation, you never freak out like you're doing now," Himiko mumbled quietly. 

   "Well, this is different!" Kokichi exclaimed. 

   "How, Kokichi?" Himiko demanded. "Tell me why you're so upset."

   "Because we're stuck, Himiko! Don't you get it?!" Kokichi yelled.

   "Is that the only reason?" Himiko shot back. Kokichi stood up from the bed and headed towards the cabin door.

   "I don't have time for this," he grumbled angrily as he reached for the knob, but Himiko blocked his way.

  "No, Kokichi!" she said as tears began to fill her eyes. "You told me that it's not good to lie to myself! Why don't you take your own advice for once and tell me! Why are you so mad?! Why won't you let me use the Ring of Hope?! Why-" Himiko was interrupted by Kokichi grabbing her shoulders.

   "I'M AFRAID OF LOSING YOU, OKAY?!" he cried. "ARE YOU HAPPY?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?!" He let go of her and turned away. He clenched his fists as he tried to hold back his tears. Himiko stared at him, bewildered. 

   "Kokichi..." she whispered softly. She reached out to grab his hand, but he yanked it away. 

   "I'm fine," he growled. He sat on the bed and began breathing heavily as if he were fighting the tears. Himiko sat down next to him. 

   "So...that's why you've been acting like that?" she asked quietly. "Because...I almost died?"

   "Yeah..." Kokichi sighed. "You almost died...all because...because of me..." Tears began streaming from his eyes. "We're stuck in this mess...all because of me." He clenched his fists tighter in shame as he cried, but Himiko gently placed her hand on them. His fists loosened up a little.

   "You and I have gotten stuck in messes before, Kokichi," she said softly. "And each time, we always made it out." Kokichi looked at her with despair in his eyes.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now