The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (10)

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    Later that evening, after dinner, Kokichi knocked on Tenko and Himiko's bedroom door. Tenko answered it, and glared at him.

   "Ugh...what do you want, you degenerate?" she growled. 

   "To confess my love for you, Tenko," Kokichi replied with a serious look on his face. 

  "W-WHAT?!" Tenko shouted, backing away in disgust.

  "That's right, Tenko," Kokichi continued, advancing towards Tenko. "Your sparkly eyes, your silky hair, your flawless skin...I can't get you out of my mind." Kokichi backed Tenko into the wall at the far end of the room. 

   "Get back before I fling you across the room!" Tenko demanded. She grabbed his arm, but Himiko, who had been watching as Kokichi backed Tenko into the room, rushed up to her, and stopped her.

   "Nyeh...don't, Tenko! He's just joking!" she said. Then, she eyed Kokichi warily. " *are* just joking, right, Kokichi?"

   "Well, duh! Who would love someone like Tenko?" Kokichi asked with a cheeky grin. 

   "Himiko! Himiko would! Right, Himiko?" Tenko said, looking at Himiko with hope in her eyes.

   "" Himiko replied, lifting her shoulders up awkwardly. 

   "S-S-See?" Tenko said, forcing a smile as she turned to Kokichi. "Himiko l-loves a s-s-sister."

   "Nee-heehee...sounds like someone just got friend-zoned," Kokichi replied smugly, placing his hands behind his head. 

    "You're about to get END-zoned!" Tenko growled, lunging for Kokichi, but Himiko stopped her.

   "Nyeh...both of you...CUT IT OUT!!" she exclaimed, struggling to push Kokichi and Tenko apart. Tenko dusted herself off and glared at Kokichi as he gave her a bratty grin, and stuck his tongue out at her. Himiko pushed his tongue back into his mouth, and thrust her fists on her hips. "Kokichi, what did you need?"

   "Actually, I need to talk to you in my room," Kokichi replied. 

   "Like Himiko's gonna fall for that one!" Tenko said. "You're just trying to get her alone so you inappropriate things with her!"

   "Yeah, how'd you know?" Kokichi asked with a naughty grin. 

   "WHY, YOU LITTLE..." Tenko yelled, reaching for Kokichi.

   "Ten...KO! He's lying!" Himiko said, blocking Tenko from reaching Kokichi. " two are such a pain! Kokichi, let's just go, already!" 

   " got it, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi replied as Himiko pulled him out of the room, grinning evilly at Tenko. Himiko pulled him all the way to Kokichi and Gonta's room. They found Gonta sitting at his desk, feeding some beetles that were inside a small, glass container.

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