Dead Girls Tell No Tales (11)

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    "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Angie the Chiseler and Tenko Tuna Breath screamed as they fired the cannons. The cannonballs flew out of the cannons at great speed, creating giant, gaping holes in The Scurvy Lass

  "GIVE 'EM ALL YE GOT, LASSIES!!" Cap'n Severedlocks ordered her crew as they loaded up the cannons and fired back. However, with the magic of the Ring of Despair, Cap'n BloodRed Himiko used it to halt the cannonballs and shoot them back at The Scurvy Lass, which created even more holes. 

   " made a mistake goin' up against me wit'out the Ring o' Hope!" she cackled. "Now I be off to find it meself, thanks to me new first mate!" She stroked Kokichi's chin before sailing away and leaving The Scurvy Lass behind as it began sinking into the ocean. 

   "OH, NO!!! WE'RE SINKING!!!" Keelhaulin' Hina cried out in distress. 

   "Soon, we'll be shakin' 'ands wit' Davy Jones!!" Swashbucklin' Sonia shouted.

   "Speak fer yerself!" Hiyoko the Hooker pouted, waving her hooks at Swashbuckiln' Sonia. 

    "S.O.S.!! S.O.S.!!! SAVE OUR SHIP!!!" Stinkypants Tsumugi screamed, holding her head and running around in circles. "S.O.S., please! Someone 'elp me! It's not 'ealthy fer me ter feel this wa-"

    "GET AHOLD O' YERSELF!!!" Milky Miu yelled, slapping Stinkypants Tsumug in the face.

   "Cap'n! What do we do?!" One Eye Ibuki shouted. "We can't roam the seas fer eternity without a ship! We'll be floatin' in water forever!" Cap'n Severedlocks looked around frantically. 

   "Wait a second...where's Himiko?!" she asked. 

   "I saw Kokichi takin' 'er to the cabin, Cap'n!" Naptime Nanami said before dozing off again, despite the dire situation she and her crew were in. Cap'n Severedlocks ran to the cabin.

   "Himiko! Himiko! Where are ye, lassie?!" she called out.

   "Nyeh...I'm under here," Himiko called back from underneath the bed. Cap'n Severedlocks knelt down, and moved the blanket out of the way to face Himiko.

   "What are ye doin' underneath there, girlie?!" she demanded.

  "Nyeh...Kokichi told me to wait here until he came back to get me," Himiko replied. 

   "Well, he's abandoned ship, and you hafta get out o' there! Don't ye know that this ship is sinkin?!'" Cap'n Severedlocks shouted. Himiko's eyes widened.

  "Kokichi's gone?!" she exclaimed.

   "Yes!" Cap'n Severedlocks said. "But tha's not important right now! You need to 'elp us stop The Scurvy Lass from meetin' 'er doom!"

   "Nyeh...Kokichi did tell me that if something goes wrong, I should use my magic," Himiko replied thoughtfully.

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