Dead Girls Tell No Tales (13)

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    "So...since yer up, ye mind tellin' me where that Ring o' Hope is, boyo?" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko asked, stroking Kokichi's chin with her finger. 

   "Not at all," Kokichi replied with a smile. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a golden ring with a large, white diamond on it similar to the one Himiko was wearing. "This is it," he said. Cap'n BloodRed Himiko looked at it with sheer greed as she ran her tongue across her teeth.

   "The Ring o' Hope," she wheezed excitedly. "I've been waitin' all me life to find you!" 

   "Shall I do the honors?" Kokichi asked, bowing slightly to her. Cap'n BloodRed Himiko placed her hand to her chest in delighted surprise, and batted her eyelashes coquettishly at him.

   "Why, yes ye may," she replied, sticking out her right hand. Kokichi took her hand in his, and with his other, placed the ring onto her finger. Cap'n BloodRed Himiko laughed evilly. " this bloomin' curse will be lifted! An' I'll be the most powerful pirate to ever roam any sea!!"

   "Is that all you wanted?" Kokichi asked, his voice dripping with boredom.

   "Eh?!" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko asked in confusion. 

   "Sure, the Rings will make you the most powerful pirate of the seas, but I know a way you can be the most powerful pirate in the world," Kokichi said with a sly grin. Cap'n BloodRed Himiko looked at him with curiosity.

   "I'm listenin,' me bucko," she said. 

   "When I was being held captive aboard The Scurvy Lass, I heard that one of the crewmembers was holding a jewel more powerful than those two rings combined," Kokichi explained. "'Odin's Eye,' it was called."

   "Odin's Eye?" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko said with suspicion. "I ain't ne'er heard o' such a jewel."

   "That crewmember on The Scurvy Lass says that in her gambling matches, she takes her opponents' belongings, even when she loses," Kokichi continued. "One of the things she snatched was Odin's Eye, from a wizard even more powerful than you, I've heard."

   "WHAT?!" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko exclaimed.

   "That's why Cap'n Severedlocks let me go so easily instead of fighting you," Kokichi said. "Because she already has Odin's Eye. There's no need for her to have the Ring of Hope or the Ring of Despair. I bet if we were to turn back now and find The Scurvy Lass intact even after you had sunk it, it would be proof that Odin's Eye exists, yeah?" 

   "Ye could be right," Cap'n BloodRed Himiko whispered. "But...why're ye tellin' me all this?"

   "I was planning on taking Odin's Eye for myself," Kokichi replied. "But, then, you showed up, and I didn't have the chance. I thought this was the best way to get Odin's Eye. You and I could work together to take it from them. And then, you and I can be the most powerful pirates in the world!" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko stared at Kokichi, deep in thought. Then, an evil grin spread across her face. She stuck her hand out to Kokichi.

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