Romeo and Juliet (10)

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    "FOR REALS?!" Usami exclaimed during rehearsals the next afternoon. Kaede had just informed her that she'd be dropping out of the play. " said you wouldn't let me down, Kaede!"

   "I know, Usami, and I'm sorry," Kaede replied apologetically. "But I don't think *Romeo and Juliet* is the right play for me. Actually, I'd love to play Beatrice in *Much Ado About Nothing!* If you decide to direct that play, I'd definitely love to try it out!"

  "If *this* play doesn't end my directing career," Usami muttered sadly to herself. "Well...thanks for letting me know, Kaede."

  "Sure! No problem!" Kaede replied, giving Usami a sympathetic smile. 

  "Students...I'd like to make another announcement," Usami announced to the actors. "Maki Harukawa is now playing Juliet." 

   "Haha, yes! We did it, Himiko!" Kokichi exclaimed with hushed excitement as he gave Himiko a hug. He and Himiko were watching the scene unfold from the catwalk above. 

 "Phew...that was a lot of work," Himiko replied. "But it was worth it!"

  "Exactly!" Kokichi replied. "Now, all we have to do is wait for the night of the play! Nee-heehee...I can't wait! It's gonna be sooo exciting!"

  "'s weird seeing you get excited to bring Kaito and Maki back together," Himiko said.

  "Yeeaaahhh...that's what I'm excited about," Kokichi replied, giving Himiko a sneaky grin. Himiko looked at him with suspicion. 

   "I'm scared to ask what that smile is about," she said. 

   "You'll see," Kokichi replied, giving Himiko a kiss on her temple. "You will see very soon, Monkey Buns! Ooo, look! Our two lovebirds are talking to each other!" The two watched as Kaito walked up to Maki. 

  "Hey, Maki Ro-...I mean, uh...Maki," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, congrats on getting Juliet!"

   ", too," Maki replied, blushing slightly. "I mean...on getting Romeo."

   "Haha, thanks!" Kaito said with a hearty laugh. "Haha,'s weird that everyone else dropped out, and it's up to us to save the play, huh?" Maki stared at him with realization.

   " *is* kinda weird, actually, now that you mention it," she replied. "Matter of fact, it was *too* weird to be a coincidence."

   "Huh? What do you mean?" Kaito asked. 

  "...Nothing," Maki replied. "Forget I said anything. Let's just focus on rehearsals for now." 


   Later that evening in Casa V3, Kokichi and Himiko were hanging out, sitting on Kokichi's bed and talking, when all of a sudden, they heard a knock on Kokichi and Gonta's door. Kokichi stood up to answer it. He smirked when he saw Maki on the other side. 

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