Romeo and Juliet (11)

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    Opening night had finally arrived. The auditorium was packed with students who weren't in the play, parents, neighbors, and everyone else who had heard about the play. 

   "'s really crowded here!" Kokichi marveled. "It's so exciting!"

   "Yeah...I'm a little nervous, honestly," Himiko replied. Then, she turned to Kokichi with a mischievous grin. ", what's the big plan for tonight? What do you need me to do?"

   "Well...actually, Himiko..." Kokichi began, tapping his fingertips together. Then, he led her to a seat in the front row that Kokichi had reserved for her earlier that day. "...I just need you to sit down and enjoy the play," he finished. Himiko's smile disappeared.

   "But...why?" she asked. "Are you going to be watching, too?"

   "No...not exactly," Kokichi replied. "I'll be the one working on the final part of our plan." Himiko's face fell. 

  "Oh, but...I wanted to...nyeh...okay...I guess that's fine," she mumbled sadly as she forlornly sat down in her chair. Kokichi rubbed the back of his head guiltily.

   "It's not that I don't want you to be with me when it happens, it's just that...things would probably get too crazy for you," Kokichi admitted. "You could get hurt, and I don't want that."

  "Nyeh...I understand," Himiko replied, though she still remained crestfallen. Kokichi grabbed her hand, and sat down in the seat next to her. 

   "I'll tell you what, HimiCocoa Bean," he said. "I'll let you come up with our next scheme. You can plot it out however you want, and you know what?"

   "What?" Himiko asked.

   "I'll be there with you the whole time, 'kay?" Kokichi replied with a smile as he patted her hand. Himiko smiled back at him.

   "Okay," she said, nodding her head. Kokichi leaned forward and kissed her forehead. 

   "Don't worry, Monkey Buns! Just stay here and relax," he said. "You deserve to enjoy yourself after working hard!"

   "Thanks, Kokichi," Himiko replied. She was still a bit disappointed that she wasn't going to help Kokichi in the last part of their scheme, but she felt a little better. Kokichi kissed her cheek, and tiptoed backstage. 

   "Hey, Himiko," two voices said in unison. Himiko turned to see Kaede and Rantaro approaching her. They both sat down on either side of Himiko. 

   "What'cha doin' here?" Rantaro asked, ruffling Himiko's hair. "And where's Kokichi? I thought you were supposed to be helping him get Kaito and Maki back together."

   "You know about that, too, Rantaro?!" Kaede exclaimed. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now