The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (7)

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    The girls stood there for a few moments with their mouths agape before bursting out into applause. The one who was clapping the loudest, and screaming her head off the most, however, was Himiko.

   "WAAAAAHHHH!!! OH, MY GOSH!! THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" she squealed, jumping up and down with excitement, and happily stomping her feet. The other girls looked at her in surprise. Himiko noticed them looking at her, and turned to Kokichi, who shot her a discreet, warning look. Himiko blushed sheepishly. "Um...I've never seen a girl break dancer before," she said. "Nyeh...girl power. Yaaaay."

    "That really *was* amazing, Chi-Chi!" Hina agreed. 

   "Yes! Those moves were simply tight!" Sonia said. 

   "I guess it was okay," Hiyoko admitted in annoyance. "I could probably do better, though." 

   "Oh, my gosh! Like, thank you!" Kokichi said, giggling in high-pitched voice. "Okay, girls! Now, we're going to do the Cheery Blossom Tree!" Kokichi explained how they were going to do the formation of the Cheery Blossom Tree with Himiko finishing at the top and releasing cherry blossoms from her pom-poms.

  "Wow! You can do that, Himiko?" Hina asked. 

   "Of course she can!" Kaede chimed in. "She's a magician, after all! It'd be cool to see her utilize her magic tricks during our performances."

   "Nyeh...they're not tricks," Himiko muttered. "It's real magic. And I'm not a magician, I'm a mage!"

   "Tomato, tomahto!" Hiyoko spat. "Just keep your flounder lips shut, and do the routine!"

   "Ram-Horns, quit being rude!" Kokichi said to Hiyoko. "Okay, everyone! Let's begin!" The girls did as Kokichi instructed. Kaede and Miu were at the bottom holding up Hina and Sonia, who were holding up Hiyoko and Kokichi. Lastly, with the help of the headband, Himiko flipped and climbed her way to the top of the tree, and thrust her pom-poms out to her sides, which released numerous, tiny cherry blossoms, making the girls gasp in awe and amazement.  "Yes! YES!!! Way to go, Himiko! Way to go, everyone!" Kokichi said as the girls broke apart and formed a line in front of Kokichi.

   "Yeah, you'd better praise us, too!" Hiyoko said. "Himiko wasn't the only one who did a good job!"

   "Gee, attention hog, much?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Pay her no mind, Chi-Chi,' Kaede said. "Anyway, what do we do, next?"

   "Well, we're going to do a series of other routines, like the Ice Cream Cone, and Seven Little Monkeys, and the one we're going to perform for tomorrow at the basketball game: Fuji Flips!"

   "I've never heard of those routines before!" Hiyoko said.

  "Really? They're pretty popular where I come form," Kokichi replied, tilting his head innocently. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now