Pyramid Scheme (9)

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    Inside the burial chamber was a large assortment of items, ranging from fancy vases, golden statues, lavish furniture, jeweled cups, woven baskets, beautifully-crafted sculptures, and some ancient scrolls. Himiko looked around, searching to find Queen Yuwanapisami's Guardian Mage staff, but it was nowhere in sight.

   "Whoa! Was the queen getting ready to have a garage sale, or somethin?'" Miu asked, looking around the room. 

   "Ancient Egyptians believed that they could bring with them their greatest treasures to the afterlife," Kiyo explained. "They would be buried with their most prized possessions, as well as their pets, family members, spouses, and the like."

   "Hahaha! Wooow...that's so weeeiiird!" Kokichi said, placing a giant Anubis head over his own and doing a little dance. Then, he placed the Anubis head down, walked over to Kiyo, and leaned in to whisper to him. "But in case they were correct, I'd like to be buried with grape Panta and my box of prank items!" Kiyo gave him a brief nod of approval. 

   "Hey, what's with all these jars?" Kaito asked Kiyo, pointing to various jars of different sizes on top of a table. 

   "Ah...why don't you take a peek for yourself?" Kiyo replied with a sly grin. Kaito opened up one of the jars.

   "NOPE!!!" he yelled, immediately closing the lid again. Kokichi and Miu went over to him.

   "What was in there?" Kokichi asked. 

    "Was it a dirty photo of the queen?!" Miu asked with excitement. Kokichi and Kaito raised an irritated brow at Miu.

   "Seriously, Miu?" Kaito asked. 

  "They didn't even have photos back then, you dirty-minded jackass!" Kokichi scoffed.

   "Sorry, okay?!" Miu whined.

   "Man, your head must also be a burial chamber, cuz it's totally dead inside!" Kokichi said. 

   "Oh, yeah?! Well...your other head is dead!" Miu shot back. "That's why you'll never be able to satisfy Himiko!"

   "Speaking of which, where is Himiko?" Kokichi asked, looking around. 

   "Nyeh...I'm over here," Himiko called out in a quiet voice. She was in the center of the room, standing behind a large, gold sarcophagus that sat underneath a bright light. Kokichi and the others ran over to her. 

   "Oh...snizzap!" Kokichi exclaimed, standing next to Himiko. "Is the queen buried in here?"

   "Perhaps..." Kiyo replied, clearly intrigued. "I will open it." Very carefully, Kiyo removed the lid from the sarcophagus and placed it gently against the golden coffin. The five of them gasped in wonder at what they saw inside.

   "Whoa..." Kaito breathed. 

  "This is truly astonishing!" Kiyo murmured in amazement. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now