Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(3)

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     Later that night, Himiko waited eagerly at her open bedroom window while her mom and her sisters were asleep. It was midnight, and the Phantom Thief hadn't shown up, yet. Himiko was stuck between pacing her floor and looking out her window every few seconds. No matter how much she paced and stared longingly out the window, he never showed up. Himiko sighed in frustration as she leaned on the window sill and stared bitterly up at the large and bright full moon.

   "I knew I shouldn't have believed him," she muttered to herself, referring to Kokichi's promise. 

   "Expecting someone?" a low and smooth voice came from behind Himiko. She whirled around in shock to find someone sitting elegantly on top of her bed. He was wearing an all-white tuxedo with a purple, collared shirt underneath, and a checkered tie. Wrapped around him was a silky white cloak that seemed to flutter slightly in the gentle breeze. He wore white shoes, and a top hat with a checkered band. His face was concealed underneath a theatrical comedy mask. It was the Phantom Thief! 

   "It's...It's you!" Himiko said with hushed surprise and excitement. "How'd you get in here?" The Phantom Thief stood up and strolled elegantly towards her. She was surprised to see that he wasn't that much taller than she was, but she didn't mind, especially since she basically had a celebrity in her bedroom. 

   "The lock on the screen door that leads out to your balcony isn't exactly the best, I'm afraid," the Phantom Thief replied. "You might want to get that fixed, love." Himiko blushed at the Phantom Thief's term of endearment for her. Then, he bowed gracefully at her. "Please, forgive my rudeness. I hear that you fancy an evening with me?" He twirled his wrist a couple of times before a rose appeared swiftly and smoothly from his sleeve and into his gloved hand. Himiko gasped with delight and took the rose.

   "Thank you," she said shyly, and batted her eyelashes at him. "And, yes, um...I'd love to spend an evening with, um...if that's okay with you."

    "I'd love nothing more," the Phantom Thief replied, taking Himiko's hand in his. "Now, if you'll be so kind as to follow me so we can begin our enchanted evening." Himiko nodded, her heart pounding with excitement. The Phantom Thief led Himiko to the balcony, and wrapped his arm around her waist. "You might want to hold on tight for this part, milady." Himiko wrapped her arms around the Phantom Thief. The Phantom Thief removed a grappling hook from his utility belt, and shot the hook at a tree branch. He then leaned back and, clinging tightly to Himiko, jumped from the railing of the balcony and swung through the air. Himiko felt the warm breeze rush though her hair along with the rush of excitement that coursed through her veins. The Phantom Thief swung over the fence surrounding Himiko's backyard, and landed perfectly on the sidewalk as he strapped the grappling hook back to his belt. 

    "That was amazing!" Himiko gushed in an ecstatic whisper. The Phantom Thief bowed gratefully to her. 

   "Why, thank you, milady," he replied. Himiko fiddled timidly with her hair.

   "You're welcome," she replied. "Nyeh...if I'm being totally honest, I didn't have anything planned for tonight. I was just...too excited to meet you. I'm sorry if that sounds weird...or desperate." She blushed and hid her face behind her hands. The Phantom Thief gently pulled her hands away from her face and held them against his chest. 

   "On the contrary, I find it rather endearing," he murmured in a smooth voice. "And don't worry. I have the perfect evening planned for the both of us."

   "R-Really?" Himiko asked.

   "Mm-hmm," the Phantom Thief hummed flirtatiously. "You are aware of my...'charity work,' hmm?"

    "Oh, yes!" Himiko replied. "I find it kinda admirable that you, um...'donate' to the unfortunate." The Phantom Thief took Himiko's chin into his hand.

   "Perhaps you'd like to become a donor, as well?" he asked. 

   "Oh, my!" Himiko exclaimed, bringing her hand to her face. "I...I don't know. I've never done what you do before! What if I mess everything up?" The Phantom Thief stroked her chin adoringly.

   "Never fear, my dear!" he said confidently. "We will start easy tonight. But we have to be careful; there's a detective who's always trying to catch me."

   "Nyeh...he goes to my school!" Himiko replied. "If you want, I can get some information from him, like what his plans are in order to capture you. That way, I can relay the information to you ahead of time to avoid him."

   "Ah, what a generous offer!" the Phantom Thief replied. "I've never met somebody so eager to help out a thief like me."

   "But...what about Kokichi?" Himiko asked. "He says he knows you personally after all."

    "Ah, yes, that is true," the Phantom Thief replied. "He is helpful, but a bit too much of a...*handful,* if you know what I mean." 

   "I do..." Himiko grumbled. "He always picks on me at school for no reason."

   "I'm very sorry to hear that," the Phantom Thief replied, holding Himiko's hands in his. "I don't understand why he'd pick on such a girl as lovely as yourself." Himiko's face became deep red. She began to fan herself. 

   "Nyeh...thank you," she squeaked. 

  "You are quite welcome," the Phantom Thief replied. "Now, what I had planned for this evening was a small heist."

   "What kind of heist?" Himiko asked.

   "A SMALL ONE, YOU IDIOT!!! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!" the Phantom Thief roared. (Haha, I'm just kidding...he didn't say that). XD

   "Well, it's come to my attention that a particularly nasty, deplorable girl at your school  is responsible for snatching away her classmates' valuables, correct?" the Phantom Thief asked.

   "Yeah, Junko Enoshima," Himiko replied. "She does that a lot because she thinks she's the queen, or whatever." 

   "Well, it's about time that she was *dethroned,* don't you think?" the Phantom Thief said, leaning closer towards Himiko. Himiko looked at him with stars in her eyes. 

   "Lead the way," she replied. The Phantom Thief nodded, and, with her hand in his, together they made their way towards Junko Enoshima's mansion. 

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