Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(6)

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      "WHICH ONE OF YOU PATHETIC PILES OF CRAP STOLE MY CLOTHES AND JEWELRY?!" Junko screamed as she burst through the cafeteria doors during lunch later that day. She had been absent all morning, undoubtedly searching for her missing prized possessions. The cafeteria had suddenly become deathly silent as Junko stomped her way across it. "I" she reiterated through clenched teeth. Of course, nobody spoke up. "Okay, then, if nobody is going to speak, then I guess I'll have to take one thing from of each of you, since the stuff I stole from some of *you* guys disappeared, too!" Everyone groaned and sighed in frustration.

   "Junko, wait!" Shuichi said, standing up. Junko whirled around angrily at him, and thrust her hands on her hips.

  "Oh! Going to confess to stealing my stuff, eh?" she asked.

   "N-No, of course not! I didn't steal your things!" Shuichi replied. "It's just know, since Kyoko and I are Ultimate Detectives, we can help search for your missing things. You don't have to resort to stealing other peoples' stuff."

  "Hmm...alright, then, what's-your-face," Junko said, pointing at Shuichi. "You have one day to find my stuff, and if you don't, I'll steal something from *you,* AND tell everyone how bad of a detective you are!"

  "JUST ONE DAY?!" Shuichi exclaimed. "And why would you steal something from me?!"

   "You're the 'Ultimate Detective,'" Junko said with a snide tone. "If you're so great at solving mysteries, then this shouldn't be a challenge for you at all."

   "Just a second, Junko," Kyoko said, standing up. "that's a bit unfair, don't you think?"

   "It was unfair of whoever stole my stuff to take all my clothes and jewelry from me, but do you see *me* complaining about it?!" Junko scoffed as she haughtily tossed her hair aside. Shuichi and Kyoko looked at each other and rolled their eyes in annoyance at Junko's insolence. Finally, Kyoko sighed and turned back to Junko. 

   "How about this, Junko," she said. "Give us at least two days to find your clothes and jewelry. If we don't find them, you can take something from both Shuichi and me. But, if we *do* find them, you can't take anything from anyone, anymore. Are we clear?"

  " sure do drive a hard bargain, Kyoko," Junko said after thinking it over for a while. "But, okay,'s a deal. You two only have 48 hours! And if you haven't found my clothes and jewelry by then, well...I'll snatch the most valuable thing you two possess." She gave them an evil smirk before walking out of the cafeteria. 

  "So...what do we do, now?" Shuichi asked Kyoko. 

   "We should search around Junko's mansion for any clues," Kyoko said. 

  "What if this was the work of the Phantom Thief?" Shuichi asked. "He usually doesn't rob from the same place twice from what I've discovered."

   "Well, what if we give him a reason to come back?" Kyoko asked with a sly smirk on her face.

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