The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (1)

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     "Ready, girls? Okay, let's go!" Junko announced after school on the large field near the running track. Junko was captain of the cheerleading squad, and as usual, she was running her team ragged by making them do pointless exercises, like jogging endlessly in circles, or doing jumping jacks. 

   " that what cheerleaders usually do?" Himiko whispered to Kokichi on the way home from school. They, and a few other students, had stopped briefly to watch the cheerleaders perform their routine, but it looked like they didn't have one. "I thought cheerleaders were supposed to do all those flips and stuff."

   "I dunno," Kokichi replied with a shrug. "Maybe that's just Junko's way of getting them warmed up."

   "Go! Go! Go!" Junko ordered her team. "Faster! You're not running fast enough, Miu! Hurry up!"

   "How...the hell am I supposed faster?!" Miu panted. "My boobs are...gettin' all sweaty, and they're...makin' my back hurt!"

   "Stop making excuses!" Junko demanded. "We have to be the best cheerleading squad ever! And in order to do that, you guys need to be in the best shape possible!" The other girls became so tired that they collapsed to the ground. " pathetic!" Junko spat, shaking her head in disgust. "All six of you make me wanna puke! Speaking of which, you guys should skip dinner tonight, and breakfast, *and* lunch tomorrow!"

   "Junko, we are *not* going to do that!" Kaede replied firmly.

   "Yeah! That's totally dangerous!" Hina exclaimed. "Are you trying to get us all killed?!"

   "Seriously! Why do you ask us to do that all the time?!" Hiyoko asked. "That'll only put us in worse shape!"

   "Whine, whine, whine! That's all you guys ever do!" Junko scoffed. 

   "We do not mean to whine, Junko, but perhaps your methods are a bit too...unorthodox?" Sonia chimed in.

   "What?! How?!" Junko exclaimed. 

   "You always tell us to stop eating just to lose weight, ya bitch!" Miu spat. "Like the pigtailed shrimp said, it'll only make us worse!"

   "Plus, making us run around in little circles isn't effective, either," Sayaka said, then gestured towards the running track. "Why make us do that when we can run one lap around the track over there?"

   "Look...*I'm* the cheer captain, and whatever *I* say goes!" Junko demanded. "If you guys don't like it, leave!" The girls looked at each other and sighed. Though they hated Junko being captain, they really did want to be part of the squad, mostly to hang out with friends and have fun. But, they weren't sure how much longer they could stand it with Junko. 

  "...We'll stay," Kaede finally mumbled. The others nodded their heads in reluctant agreement. Junko stuck up her nose at them like some pompous ruler.

   "Of course you will," she replied haughtily. "Now, remember, no eating until the basketball game!"

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