Romeo and Juliet (8)

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    Later that night in Casa V3, Himiko was standing outside Rantaro and Korekiyo's room, preparing herself to talk to Rantaro. The problem was that she didn't know what lie to use in order to get him to drop out of the play. She didn't have time to come up with something, however, because the door swung open at that very moment.

   "Himiko, what are you doing outside our front door?" Kiyo asked. 

  "Oh! Um...sorry, I wanted to talk to Rantaro about something," Himiko replied. 

  "He's in there," Kiyo said, nodding towards the opposite side of the bedroom before dashing off. Himiko walked inside to find Rantaro lying on his bed while doing some work on his laptop. He looked up, and smiled at Himiko.

   "Hey, Himiko," he said in a friendly voice. "What'cha need?"

   "Nyeh...I just came in to congratulate you on getting Romeo's part," Himiko replied, innocently rocking herself back and forth on her heels. 

   "Oh! Haha, thanks!" Rantaro chuckled. "I'm happy to say that I dodged a bullet there with Junko. I'm kinda glad she dropped out, if I'm being honest. Sayaka would definitely make a more pleasant Juliet."

   "Oh, really?" Himiko replied. "Because apparently, Sayaka, um...has halitosis!" Rantaro cocked his head, and smiled mysteriously at Himiko.

   "Is that so?" he asked. "Of all the times I've been around her, I never  thought her breath smelled bad."

   "Ohhh...yeah, it does, trust me," Himiko replied. Rantaro smiled, and chuckled at her.

   "It's fine," he said. "I'll take my chances. She's still better than Junko."

   *Crap!* Himiko thought to herself. "Well...what if you get stage fright?"

   "Nah...I don't worry about stuff like that," Rantaro replied confidently. "Matter of fact, this isn't my first time playing the lead role in a play. I've done it quite a few times before."

   "Oh! Well, um...aren't you afraid that your costume will look ugly?" Himiko asked. 

   "Not really," Rantaro replied. "I've seen the costume designs that Tsumugi's been working on, and they're really awesome, which is why it surprised me that Junko would drop out."

   "Well...what if...someone...threatens you to quit the play?" Himiko asked. "Aren't you afraid that-"

  "Himiko, why are you asking all these questions?" Rantaro asked. "It's as if you don't want me to perform in the play."

  "What?!, no, that's n-not it at all!" Himiko stammered. Rantaro smiled at Himiko with a mysterious twinkle in his eye.

   "Are you and Kokichi up to something?" he asked. 

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