Kokichi's Schedule

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*This is a follow-up to the previous story! ^-^*    

   "Alright, class, that's it for today," the Health teacher announced as the bell rang. "See you guys tomorrow!" The class was filled with the murmurs of students as they began gathering their stuff, and headed out the door to their lockers before 2nd period started. Anxious to get away from Kokichi, Himiko was hurriedly stuffing her belongings into her bunny backpack that was hanging on the back of her seat. Even though she always wanted to be around him, she also wanted to be far away from him, in case she ever said or did anything stupid that would embarrass herself in front of him, and possibly cause him to hate her. She accidentally dropped a crumpled piece of paper, and bent over to pick it up. She stood up to go throw it away in the trash can near the door of the class. As she walked by, she noticed Kokichi out of the corner of her eye, still sitting in his seat and watching her. 

   Oh, my gosh, he's staring at me! Himiko thought. Just keep walking. Act casual. She threw away the crumpled piece of paper, and headed out the door to her locker. "Phew..." Himiko breathed a sigh of relief. "Nyeh...that was scary!" As she arrived at her locker and opened it, she reached for her backpack straps to take her backpack off, but to her horror, she realized that in her haste, she had left it back in the classroom. "Oh, nooo..." she groaned. She had to go back to her Health class, where she would possibly run into Kokichi. She sighed heavily, and closed her locker door. Right behind her locker door was Kokichi, standing there and holding her backpack. Himiko stiffened, but otherwise, she kept her appearance calm and aloof. Inside, however, was a different story. She could hear sirens and alarm bells going off in her head as if they were saying "Crush Alert! Crush Alert! Remain Calm! " She felt her heart pounding so hard against her chest that she thought it was going to burst right out of it. She became so nervous that she could swear that she was going to throw up. Her vision became blurry, her hands became clammy, her mouth became dry, and she thought her knees were going to give in from trembling. But, she forced herself to remain calm. 

   "Nyeh...what?" she asked in a quiet voice, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt. 

   "Nee-heehee...you left your backpack back there, weirdo!" Kokichi laughed, handing her backpack to her. 

   "Oh, yeah...oops," Himiko replied. Okay, now just reach for it. Take it from him, and walk away, Himiko thought to herself. She reached her hand out to take her backpack from him. 

   "Wait!" Kokichi said, causing Himiko to pause. 

   "What?" Himiko asked. 

   "I wanna put it on for you!" Kokichi replied. Before Himiko had the chance to object, Kokichi put his arm through one of the straps of Himiko's backpack to hold it. Then, with both hands, he grabbed Himiko's shoulders, and spun her around 180 degrees. Then, he grabbed her hands, and spread them out a little so that he could put them through the straps. Himiko felt the heat rushing to her face, but she forced herself not to blush.

   Don't blush! Don't blush! Don't blush! Don't blush! she thought to herself. As if to increase the tension, Kokichi would take his sweet time putting her arms through the straps. I can't believe this is happening! she screamed blissfully in her mind. He's actually putting my backpack on for me! I think I'm gonna DIE! Ohhhhh...! After Kokichi had finished putting her backpack on, he spun her to face him again.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now