Disnee-hee-hee Princess Marathon!

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   "...There's no need to pray, it's okay! You're welcome! Ha! I guess it's just my way of being me! "Maui sang as Kokichi and Himiko bobbed their heads to his signature song. They were spending the weekend watching Disney princess movies, suggested by Himiko. Saturday, they watched half the movies, and today, Sunday, they were tackling the other half. They were currently watching Moana.

  "Nyeh...hey, Kokichi?" Himiko began. Kokichi shoved his finger onto Himiko's lips while simultaneously watching the screen.

  "Ssh!! Ssh!! Wait, wait, wait!! Here comes the rapping part!" he exclaimed. He inhaled deeply and began rapping with Maui: "Well, come to think of it, kid, honestly I can go on and on. I can explain every natural phenomenon. The tide, the grass, the ground, oh, that was Maui just messin' around! I killed an eel, I buried its guts. Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts. What's the lesson? What is the takeaway? Don't mess with Maui when he's on a breakaway! And the tapestry here on my skin is a map of the victories I win! Look where I've been, I make everything happen! Look at that mini-me Maui a-tippin' a-tappin!' Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY!! " Kokichi burst into laughter. "I LOVE that part!" he exclaimed. Himiko laughed with him.

  "That was pretty good!" she said, hugging Kokichi. Kokichi squirmed with glee.

   "Nee-heehee...thanks, Monkey Buns!" he said. "That's a fun part! Oh! What did you wanna ask me, by the way?"

   "Well, since this is our last Disney princess movie, I just wanted to ask you..." Himiko began. She turned to him, batting her eyelashes. "...which Disney princess do I remind you of?" Kokichi rolled his eyes.

  "Oh, brother," he said. "More of this?"

  "I just wanna knooow!" Himiko said, nuzzling her face against Kokichi's shoulder. Kokichi sighed and leaned his head back in thought.

  "Hmmm," he murmured. "I think you're kind of like Snow White and Rapunzel...and maybe the sleeping girl because, well...cuz she mostly slept. Nee-heehee!"

  "Oh! Why Snow White?" Himiko asked. 

  "I dunno...I guess because she's an airhead," Kokichi replied.

   "Heeey!" Himiko said, frowning.

   "In an endearing way!" Kokichi said, shrugging his shoulders defensively. 

  "So...it's a good thing?" Himiko asked.

  "I mean, I think it's cute," Kokichi replied. "Plus, she talks to animals, like you do. Except, in her case, the animals don't talk back."

   "Nyeh...that's true," Himiko nodded. "And Rapunzel?"

    "Well...you're naive, like she is," Kokichi began. "But, she's also goofy and adventurous. You're goofy, just like her, and you can be adventurous, so long as I'm there with you. And, of course, you have magic."

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