The Baby Pageant (End)

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    "Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to our 2nd annual Gugugaga Baby Pageant!" said the host of the baby pageant. "And nooow, here are our contestants!" The host listed off the contestants with Ryoma being the last "baby" mentioned. "We'll start off with the beauty contest! Which baby is the most adorable? Let's find out, shall we?" The crowd cheered and applauded. Each of the parents brought out their babies to be judged based on cuteness. 

   "Can you even pull off cute, Ryoma?" Kokichi whispered.

  "Cute...isn't exactly my thing, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try," Ryoma replied. When the judges went over to Ryoma, he put on his best baby act. He even tilted his head in a coy manner, as if he were a bit shy. He even batted his eyelashes a little. 

   "Awwwww..." cooed the judges, as well as the audience. When the judges had finished looking at all the babies, they sat back down in their seats. 

   "Have the judges decided on who the winner of the cuteness competition will be?" the host asked. 

   "Yes!" said one of the judges. "We have decided that...Hank Banks is the winner!"

  "Whoo! Give it up for Hank Banks!" the host cheered, and the crowd began to applaud. Haruka huffed and glared at Kokichi, Himiko, and Ryoma. 

   "Who's Hank?" Ryoma whispered. 

   "That's you," Kokichi whispered back. 

  "Gotcha," Ryoma replied. 

   "Next, we have the baby race!" the host said. "Parents, bring your babies over here to the starting line here on stage." The parents brought their babies to a mini track taped to the stage. 

   "Try not to pull too far ahead, Ryoma," Kokichi whispered as Himiko carried Ryoma. "If you crawl too fast, you might arouse suspicion from the judges."

   "Don't worry too much about it, kid. I've got this," Ryoma assured. Himiko placed Ryoma down at the starting line. Then she, along with the other mothers, rushed to the finish line to wait for their babies to cross it. 

  "I know that baby of yours is fake!" Haruka hissed viciously to Himiko.

   "Yeah, you would know all about being fake...Miss Boob Job! " Himiko hissed back. Haruka gaped her mouth in shock at Himiko. Then, she sheepishly cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably as she adjusted the area of her dress over her chest and turned her attention back to her son.

   "On your marks...get set...go!" the host shouted. 

   "Come here, sweetie! Come here, baby!" all the moms began shouting to their infants. Smiling and giggling, the babies began crawling towards their mothers. Ryoma crawled ahead, but made sure to pause a few times before proceeding to let some of the other babies crawl past him. But in the end, he ended up winning. 

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