Pyramid Scheme (1)

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    "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Himiko squealed with terror as she clung tightly to Kokichi. "IT'S THE MUMMY!" 

    "Oh, brother, Himiko!" Kokichi replied, raising his brow as he smiled at her. "Nee-heehee...this is one of the lamest movies I've ever seen!" He and Himiko were watching a so-called horror movie about kids being trapped inside a pyramid with a mummy that moved so slow it made molasses seem as if it moves at the speed of light. 

   "I...I know," Himiko mumbled. "It just...came out of nowhere, and it...freaked me out a little," Himiko mumbled sheepishly. Kokichi stuck his tongue out in disgust and turned the TV off. 

   "Meh, I'd rather do something more fun, like bother Kiyo," Kokichi said. "C'mon, HimiKibbles 'n' Bits!"

   "Nyeh? Why Kiyo?" Himiko asked. 

   "I wanna see if he has books about real-life, cool mummies!" Kokichi explained. Himiko wrinkled her nose in disgust.

   "You'd actually wanna see a mummy?" she asked. 

   "Yeah!" Kokichi replied, placing his hands behind his head. "Why? Wouldn't you?" Himiko shook her head.

   "No, not really," she admitted. "Mummies are gross. They're just a bunch of dead, decayed bodies wrapped in toilet paper."

   "Nee-heehee...wrapped in toilet paper?" Kokichi repeated. "I bet Miu would enjoy that!"

  "Why do you say that?" Himiko asked, blinking in confusion at him. Kokichi shrugged his shoulders.

   "Eh, I'm sure she enjoys toilet humor," he replied. "Anyways, c'mon, let's go to Kiyo's room! I bet he's got some books about mummies!" Hand in hand, they dashed over to Korekiyo and Rantaro's room. Kokichi knocked on the door. Kiyo opened it with a pained expression on his face.

   "Do you wish to bother me, as well?" he asked, massaging his temple. Kokichi tilted his head in confusion.

   "As well?" he asked. "What do you mean?" Kiyo sighed and allowed Kokichi and Himiko to enter. When they entered, they found Kaito at Kiyo's bookshelf, searching through one of the latter's books. "Kaito? What are you doing here?" Kokichi asked, walking up to Kaito.

   "Believe me, you are better off not knowing," Kiyo said rather grumpily.

   "Huh? Oh, I was lookin' to see if Kiyo had anything about space in here," Kaito replied. 

   "Nyeh? Why would Kiyo have anything about space in his collection?" Himiko asked.

   "That is the same question I asked him before," Kiyo said. "But he has still not provided me with an answer."

   "Because! You might have somethin' about crop circles, or alien civilizations in here," Kaito said. Kiyo facepalmed. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now