Cookies 'n' Dreams (14)

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    Himiko was just as successful Sunday afternoon with her Snoozydoodle sale. The word about her cookies had spread that nearly everyone from Hope's Peak lined up to try them, even her enemies, like Junko and Leon. The following Monday, Himiko woke up to get ready for school, when she noticed something absolutely creepy. As she turned her alarm off, she realized that everyone in Casa V3, except Kokichi, was in her room, staring at her in eerie silence.

   "Nyeeeh...w-what's...going on?" Himiko murmured apprehensively. 

   "W-W-We...want more cookies," Tenko said in a jittery voice. "P-P-Please...Hi-Hi-Himiko?" She and the others were flinching and trembling, as if they were going through withdrawal.

   " more cookies for now," Himiko said in a small voice. "It's Monday, after all."

   "WHO CARES?!" Miu snapped irritably. "GO IN THAT KITCHEN AND MAKE US SOME MORE DAMN SNOOZY DOO-DOO'S, OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU CALL 'EM, ALREADY!!" She started moaning and groping herself. " b-b-body...needs...m-m-more!! Hahahahaaa!" Himiko cringed.

  "Um...I think you guys have had enough..." she said.

   "Well, I say we haven't! So, hurry the hell up, Himiko!" Kaito demanded angrily. The others surrounded Himiko even closer.

   "It's not cool to make us wait," Ryoma said, his eye twitching. 

   "Do you wanna die?" Maki threatened in a low voice, reaching at Himiko's throat. Himiko shook her head fearfully. "Then, make us more" Everyone then began chanting monotonously in an unsettling manner.

   "Snoozydoodles...Snoozydoodles...Snoozydoodles...Snoozydoodles...Snoozydoodles..." they chanted as they closed in on Himiko. Himiko huddled closer to the wall, covering herself with her blanket. 

   "KOKICHIIIIII!!!" she screamed over the loud, repetitive chanting. 

   "Move it! Get out of the way!" came Kokichi's voice as he barged through the students grabbing at Himiko. Squeezing in between Kirumi and Rantaro, Kokichi held his arms out to Himiko. "Himiko! Grab on!" Himiko reached out and grabbed Kokichi's hands. He pulled her through the crowd, still grabbing at Himiko. Gonta grabbed Himiko's ankles before she and Kokichi could escape. Himiko squeaked with fear as she and Kokichi looked at him. His expression was blank, cold, and uncaring, very much unlike his usual cheerful and warm demeanor. 

  "Gonta no can let you leave, Himiko," he growled as he grabbed Himiko's ankles tighter. Himiko yelped in pain.

   "Let her go!!" Kokichi demanded. He leaned forward and bit Gonta's hand as hard as he could. Gonta reeled back in pain, releasing Himiko from his grip. Kokichi managed to pull Himiko away from the crowd. He led her down the stairs. Himiko cried out in pain on the way down. Her ankles still hurt. Kokichi scooped her up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way down the stairs. The others were pursuing them like an angry mob. Kokichi opened the door to Casa V3 and ran outside, still carrying Himiko. He carried her all the way to Hope's Peak.

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