Frankenhamster (2)

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    Once inside, Kokichi grabbed Himiko's hand and rushed to his and Gonta's room. There, he spat Maga-Z out of his mouth.

  "Bleeccchhh....yuck!!" he exclaimed in disgust, setting the wet hamster on his desk and wiping his tongue. "Hang on...I gotta go...ptooey...rinse my mouth!" Kokichi dashed out of the room while Himiko dried Maga-Z off using her magic.

   "Nyeh...Soaked with spit is unpleasing to the eye! Make this deceased hamster dry!" she chanted. With a wave of her hand, and a flick of her wrist, Maga-Z's fur began to dry out until his fur puffed out, and was no longer matted with saliva. "There! Much better!" Himiko said, proudly thrusting her fists on her hips. Soon, Kokichi came back, looking like he just swallowed a handful of hamsters.

   "That was...absolutely...disgusting! " he grumbled. Himiko patted his back sympathetically.

   "'ll be okay, Panta Bear," she said before gesturing to the hamster. "But...what are we gonna do about...Rated Z, or whatever his name is?"

  "I dunno," Kokichi said. "I guess we can...hey! He's not wet, anymore!"

   "Oh, yeah! That's cuz I used my maaagic!" Himiko replied proudly. 

   "Nice work, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi said, giving her a squeeze. "Ooo! Maybe you can use your magic to revive him!" Himiko shook her head.

   "No," she said. "It's forbidden for mages to use that kinda magic. Even the most powerful mage in the world isn't even allowed to do that. Only certain magical creatures are able to...but not mages."

   "I see," Kokichi sighed. "Well, if magic isn't going to help us, then maybe-" But Kokichi didn't get to finish his sentence because he and Himiko heard the doorbell ring. They looked at each other with apprehension.

  "D-Do you think that's Gundham?" she whispered, but Kokichi shushed her.

  "Shh..." he whispered, holding a finger up. He put his ear to the door and listened for Gundham's voice. He could barely make out the voices of whoever answered the door and the person who rang the doorbell. "I can't tell who it is," Kokichi whispered. Suddenly, he heard footsteps walking towards their direction. The footsteps grew louder until they stopped right outside the door. Someone knocked on it.

  "Kokichi, Himiko, you guys in there?" came the loud, raucous voice of Miu. "Gundham's here to see you two!" Kokichi and Himiko looked at each other in panic. Kokichi grabbed Maga-Z, trying to find a place to hide him. Suddenly, he had an idea.

   "Here, hold him, real quick!" Kokichi whispered frantically, thrusting Maga-Z into Himiko's hands.

  "Why?!" Himiko whispered back. 

  "Shhh...just trust me!" Kokichi whispered as he lifted his shirt and began unzipping his pants. 

   "KOKICHI! HIMIKO! OPEN UP!!" Miu said impatiently from the other side, pounding on the door. Kokichi snatched Maga-Z back and thrusted him into his pants. Kokichi barely zipped his pants in time as Miu barged through the door. "Okay, that's it! I ain't waitin' anymore for-" She paused to see Kokichi and Himiko staring back at her like deer in headlights. Kokichi still had his shirt lifted up, so Miu was able to see the front of Kokichi's pants protruding straight out. She gave them an impish grin.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now