Kaede's Dirty Little Secret (4)

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   "Nyeh...this guy's shirt is too big!" Himiko grumbled, slipping her arms through the man's sleeves. She wobbled back and forth on Kokichi's shoulders.

   "Steady, Himiko!" Kokichi hissed. He was wearing the man's pants, which went up all the way to his chest. 

   "You're the legs in this situation!" Himiko hissed back as she buttoned up the shirt, except for one which would leave a gap open for Kokichi to breathe. "Okay, bend down so I can reach the jacket and his hat." Kokichi knelt forward and Himiko reached for the hat and jacket. She put the jacket on and buttoned it up while leaving another space open a smidge enough for Kokichi to see through, and popped the large collar over her face. Then, she put the hat on her head. 

   "Ready?" Kokichi asked.

   "Yeah, but...my face is showing," Himiko said. "How are we going to cover my face without the receptionist thinking I'm a tall teenage girl wearing men's clothing?" As best as he could, Kokichi reached into his scarf and pulled out a hospital mask. 

   "Here, wear this," he said, reaching out through the jacket to hand the mask to her. Himiko put it on her face. "Now, I'll do all the talking," Kokichi continued. "That way, you won't have to worry about figuring out what to say to the receptionist, and you'll have the added benefit of your face being concealed so it looks like you're the one talking instead of simply mouthing the words I'm saying."

   "Ohhh...!" Himiko replied, impressed. 

   "Alright, Monkey Buns, let's do this," Kokichi said. Walking on unsteady feet from the weight of Himiko on his shoulders, he lumbered over to the front entrance of the hotel. On the way, he accidentally ran into Kaede and Shuichi, who happened to show up right that second. 

  "Oof!" Shuichi said. Kokichi and Himiko almost tumbled backwards. "Ah! Um...I'm sorry!" Shuichi reached out to grab Himiko's arm. Kokichi was able to recover his balance.

   "Uh...ahem...thank you, my good man!" Kokichi said in a stuffy British accent while Himiko moved her mouth to make it look like she was the one talking through the hospital mask. Shuichi smiled and nodded politely. They stood together in awkward silence.

   "Um...are you lost, sir?" Kaede asked politely.

   "Hm? Oh! No, no, no! So very sorry!" Kokichi answered. "I was just stopping by at this quaint, little hotel here for the night."

   "Oh! That's where we were going, too," Shuichi said. 

  "Together?" Kokichi asked while Himiko raised an eyebrow.

  "Yeah," Shuichi and Kaede replied simultaneously.

   "I do say, that is very bold of you two," Kokichi replied. "Two young people such as yourselves coming to a place like this. That can only mean one thing." Kaede and Shuichi looked at each other and blushed.

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