Try Not To Laugh!

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    "Himikooooo..." Kokichi whined as he trudged into Himiko and Tenko's room. He plopped himself onto Himiko's bed, and leaned his head on Himiko's shoulder. Himiko patted the back of his head in comfort.

   "Nyeh...bored again?" she asked. 

   "Yeeeesss..." Kokichi groaned. "Save me from this boredom!" He sighed dramatically as he threw his arms over his head, and threw himself onto Himiko's pillows. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes at him. 

   "Hm...wanna see some magic?" she asked.

   "I'm not in the mood for magic," Kokichi moaned. 

   "Hm...what about a prank?" Himiko asked. Kokichi shook his head.

   "Mm-mmm..." he replied. 

  "Wow! You must have really bad boredom if you don't wanna prank people!" Himiko exclaimed. "Nyeh...let me check your temperature." She placed her hand onto Kokichi's forehead. " don't seem very feverish."

   "That's because I don't have a fever. I have 'super boredom-timiculitus,'" Kokichi said. "It's what happens when you're so bored that you don't wanna do anything, but you want the boredom to go away really, really badly." 

   "Aww, poor Kokichi," Himiko cooed, wrapping her arms around Kokichi, and squishing her cheek against his. "Don't worry, Kokichi! Doctor Himiko is on the case!" She thought to herself for a few moments. "Nyeh...well, they say that laughter is the best medicine, right?" 

   "Yeah," Kokichi replied, turning to look at her. 

   "So let's play 'Try Not to Laugh,'" Himiko replied. Kokichi looked at her with uncertainty. "I bet you can't make me laugh," Himiko said. A small smile crept its way onto Kokichi's face. He sat up excitedly.

   "You're on, Himiko!" he said. 

  "Nyeh...okay," Himiko replied. "But there are rules. No tickling each other. That's cheating. And smiling counts as laughing, so you can't smile or you're out. Also, you can't hold your face if you feel a laugh coming on. Mmm...I think that's it."

   "Hahaha, okay!" Kokichi replied. 

   "You go first," Himiko said. 

   "Okie-dokie!" Kokichi said. He turned his face away from Himiko and brought his hands up to it. When he turned back to Himiko, his eyelids were flipped inside-out.

   "EWW!!" Himiko shouted in disgust, covering her eyes. "Kokichi, this is 'Try Not to Laugh,' not 'Try Not to Gross Me Out!!'"

   "Nee-heehee...sorry!" Kokichi replied, blinking his eyes so that his eyelids would flip back to normal. "I still don't understand why you hate that so much."

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