The Case of the Missing Pop Star (2)

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   Shuichi was loading his suitcase into the back of Kaito's car while Kokichi and Himiko were dragging theirs out the front door. Kokichi put both his and Himiko's into the trunk before Shuichi closed it.

   "You guys ready to go?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi looked at him with confusion.

   "Well, yeah, but...shouldn't we wait for Kaito?" he asked. "Is he not driving us there?"

   "I got my license last month," Shuichi replied. "So, I'll be driving." Kokichi snorted. 

   "But, Shuichi, we have to be at Sayaka's mansion before Typhoon Traidora hits!" he joked. 

   "Very funny, Kokichi," Shuichi mumbled, frowning. "And why are you two wearing those sunglasses? The sun isn't even shining."

   "Nyeh...because it makes us look cool," Himiko replied. 

   "Look, you two, I take my job seriously, and I really want to help Sayaka solve this case," Shuichi said. "How is she going to take me seriously if you two won't even take me seriously?" Kokichi and Himiko looked at each other before reluctantly removing their sunglasses.

   "Okaaaayyyy..." they mumbled, and placed their sunglasses into their pockets. 

   "Thank you," Shuichi said. "Now, get in the car." Kokichi and Himiko climbed into the back seats while Shuichi gingerly opened the door of the driver side and cautiously lowered himself onto the seat. 

  "The seat isn't going to explode," Kokichi said with a smart-alecky grin. Shuichi grunted in annoyance a Kokichi, but didn't say anything. He continued to adjust the mirrors and his seat. 

   "Okay," he muttered, then took a deep breath. "10 and 2." He placed his hands on the wheel in their proper positions. 

   "Nee-heehee...oh, man, you really are gonna drive like an old lady!" Kokichi snickered. Shuichi turned behind him to glare at Kokichi.

   "Stop it, Kokichi! Seriously!" he growled.

   "You know, you could have just glared at me through the rearview mirror," Kokichi suggested. Shuichi growled and rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the front. Kokichi shrugged. "It was just a suggestion," he mumbled to himself. Shuichi took a deep breath before slowly cruising off of the driveway and into the street. Shuichi kept looking both ways, making sure no pedestrians were around, but he was going too slow.

   " know you're driving under the speed limit, right, Shuichi?" Kokichi said.

   "I know what I'm doing!" Shuichi replied rather aggressively. "Just...ugh...just be quiet, please! "

   "If you want, I could drive," Kokichi offered. "We'd get there much faster!"

   "No!" Shuichi replied firmly. "I promised Kaito I wouldn't mess up his car. And you know you're not supposed to be driving, anyways, Kokichi. You don't even have a license."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now