Cookies 'n' Dreams (4)

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    After first period ended, Himiko found Kokichi waiting for her outside of her classroom. He grinned as he walked over to her and took her hand in his. 

   "Hiya, HimiCocoa Bean! Ready for history?" he asked as they began walking. 

   "Yeah..." Himiko answered faintly. Kokichi waved his hand in front of Himiko's face.

   "Earth to Himikooo!" he teased. Himiko blinked at him. 

   "Nyeh? Oh, sorry, Kokichi," she said.

   "Are you okay?" 

    "Yeah, it's just that..." Himiko paused and faced Kokichi. "...I've decided to compete against you." Kokichi slowly nodded his head in thought.

   "Yeeeaaah...I thought you'd change your mind," he said. "But, I'm serious, Himiko. You really don't have to if you don't want to."

   "I know, but...part of me wants to, just to see what would happen," Himiko said. Kokichi began to smile.

   "Are you sure?" he asked. Deep down, Himiko admitted that she wasn't entirely sure, but she had to break out of her comfort zone sometime. She took a deep breath.

   "I'm sure," she replied. 

   "Nee-heehee...that didn't sound too convincing," Kokichi teased. Then, he grinned gratefully at her. "But, I appreciate that you've decided to give it a try, Himiko." 

   "Nyeh...the only problem is that I don't know what type of cookies to bake," Himiko said. "And I'm kinda nervous about using the oven by myself. And I don't even know where I'm going to bake them, since Kirumi and Rantaro will be using the one in the kitchen back home."

   "You can use the one at D.I.C.E. headquarters," Kokichi whispered. "That's where I'm gonna be baking my batch of cookies."

   "In that case, those cookies are definitely gonna taste funny," Himiko joked. 

   "Nee-heehee...nice one!" Kokichi said. "And anyway, maybe Three can help you bake the cookies. She loves baking. Ten does, too!"

   "Well...that does sound like fun, actually," Himiko admitted with a small smile.

   "Riiight?" Kokichi said. "Okie, then! We'll go over there after dinner! How's that sound?"

   "That's fine," Himiko answered. "At least I'll have time for a nap when I get home."


   Later that night after dinner, Kokichi and Himiko sneaked away from Casa V3, and headed over to D.I.C.E. headquarters. Three placed Kokichi's Supreme Leader hat on his head, while Five wrapped his cape around his shoulders.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now