Frankenhamster (6)

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   "Nyeh...m-monster hunting?!" Himiko exclaimed. "Why is that our problem?!" She and Kokichi were sneaking around the house. Kokichi was brandishing the butterfly net and tiptoeing like a weirdo. 

   "Because...we created monster Maga-Z, so we have to stop him!" Kokichi whispered and put his finger to his lips. "Now, ssshhhhhh!!!" He snuck up to a corner and peeked into the boys' hallway. "A-HA!! I GOTCHA!!!" he yelled and jumped from the corner, swinging the butterfly net over his victim. 

   "AAAUUGGHHH....KOKICHI!!!" Kaito screamed angrily as he wriggled inside the net. 

   "Nee-heehee...oopsies! My bad!" Kokichi laughed cheekily. 

   "Get me outta this net right now, Kokichi!" Kaito growled. 

  "Okay, okay...dang! Someone got up on the wrong side of the galaxy this morning," Kokichi muttered, pulling the net off of Kaito.

   "I'm gonna send your ass to another galaxy!" Kaito yelled. "What are you two even doing?"

   "What Himiko and I do on our Saturday mornings is our business!" Kokichi huffed. "Right, Himiko?"

   "'re better off not knowing, Kaito," Himiko said. "You should keep your sanity while you still have it."

   " don't hafta tell me twice," Kaito muttered. "Well, fine. You guys do whatever you want. Just don't cause trouble for everyone else."

   "Whatever, dad," Kokichi replied with a bratty grin. Kaito rolled his eyes and stomped off. Kokichi turned to Himiko. "Way to go, Monkey Buns!" he said, giving Himiko a hug.

  "Nyeh...thanks," Himiko replied with a shy smile. "But why are we looking for Maga-Z here? Shouldn't he be in 7th Island House?"

   "Just makin' sure," Kokichi replied. "After all, this is where Maga-Z became a monster. What if he came back for...reveeenge? "

   "If that was the case, he would have come here already," Himiko replied. 

   "Yeah, you're probably right!" Kokichi said. "C'mon, let's go to 7th Island House!" They went outside, where Kokichi paused to look down. 

   "What's the matter?" Himiko asked as Kokichi knelt to the ground. 

   "Footprints!" Kokichi exclaimed excitedly. "And noooot just any footprints! These look hamster footprints! Here, look!" Himiko bent down to take a closer look. There, in the grass, were large footprints. "It looks like they're going away from the dorms and towards the city, or something!"

   "Nyeh...and it looks like they're getting b-b-bigger," Himiko stammered in fear. They followed the footprints a few more feet down the street. Kokichi could see that Himiko had spoken the truth. As the footprints went on, it seemed as if they were growing in size.  

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now