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    For a few minutes, the world was shrouded in darkness. Although Himiko had slipped into this darkness not too long ago, she felt like she was floating through an endless, eternal void. The odd thing was that even though she couldn't feel her body, she could feel movement in her head. From what? She had no idea. All she knew was that she was somewhere in the unknown. In this void she drifted endlessly, until she suddenly began to feel her body again. Her arms, legs, shoulders, everything became solid again as if life was slowly, but surely, being restored into her very being. She hadn't even been able to open her eyes before, but for some reason, she decided to try again. As she did, her vision was immediately flooded with bright, white light. She tried looking around, but everything seemed blurry. She heard muffled sounds all around her, but couldn't make out what was happening. Slowly, the room around her came into focus. She looked around her body and realized that she was sitting on a long, narrow chair that even her feet were laying on. Next to the chair was a boy she didn't recognize. He smiled and waved at her. Himiko smiled and waved in confusion back at the boy with purple hair and a checkered scarf. In one hand, he was holding up a flat, rectangular object with the back part of it facing Himiko.

   "Hey, Himiko," the boy said. "How are you feeling?" The boy's voice was echoey and distant, but Himiko was able to make out his words.

   "Nyeh...how am I doing?" she repeated in confusion. To her surprise, her voice came out muffled. Something furry in her mouth was keeping her from speaking properly. She slowly reached her wobbly hands to her mouth, but the boy grabbed her arm, and gently pushed it back down.

   "No, no, Himiko, don't do that," he said. 

   "But...there's somefing in mah mouf," Himiko muffled. 

   "It's fine," the boy said. "It's supposed to be there."

   "Who ah you?" Himiko asked. 

   "Hm? You don't know who I am?" the boy asked, smiling. Himiko shook her head, perplexed. She felt a bit woozy afterwards, which caused her vision, and everything else, to become hazy again. "Try to guess," the boy said. 

    "Nyeeeeh...ahe you...my bwuvva?" she asked.

   "No," the boy replied. "I'm not your brother."

   "My dah?" Himiko guessed again. The boy let out a small giggle. 

   "Nope, not your dad, either," he replied. Himiko felt as if her brain was going haywire. Why couldn't she recognize this boy? Suddenly, her eyes went wide with fear.

   "Ah you the Gwim Weapah?!" she exclaimed. "Am I dead?!" The boy tossed his head back and laughed.

   "Hahahaha! No, Himiko, I'm not the Grim Reaper," he replied. "And you're not dead."

   "Oh...then...who ah you?" Himiko asked. 

   "Nee-heehee...I'm your boyfriend," the boy replied. Himiko's eyes widened in shock.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now