Cookies 'n' Dreams (11)

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    The next morning, Himiko was awakened by a delighted scream. She shot up in her bed and saw Tenko dancing around the room. 

   "Nyeh...Tenko? W-What's going on?" Himiko asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes. 

   "La-la-la-la-la-laaaaaa!!" Tenko sang. Then, she stopped at Himiko's bed and gripped Himiko's shoulders like a crazy person. "Himiko! I ate your Snoozydoodles right before bed, like you told me to, and I just had the most amazing dream!!"

   "What was it about?" Himiko asked.

   "There were no degenerate males in the world! And all the girls made me their queen!" Tenko sighed. "It was perfect utopia! A utopia...for girls! The sky was pastel pink! The clouds were extra puffy and white! The ocean was also pink and glittery, and all the food we ate was pink, like strawberry cake, strawberry ice cream, strawberry cupcakes, and strawberry milk! And girls of every shape, size, and color were everywhere! Not a degenerate male in sight!"

   "Nyeh...a dream filled with just girls sounds like a nightmare," Himiko muttered. "Most problems I had with bullying was from catty, popular girls."

  "W-What?! There's no way that's true, Himiko!" Tenko cried. "Maybe they were males in disguise!"

   "No, I don't think so," Himiko shook her head. "Plus, a world with just girls is going to lead to extinction."

   "Not in my dream!" Tenko exclaimed happily. "Girls were born from 'Girl Flowers!'"

  "Nyeeeh...girl flowers? " Himiko asked, raising a brow. 

   "Yeah! You plant a pink seed into the ground, and when it grows, the petals open up and reveal a beautiful baby girl inside!" Tenko gushed. "It was so amazing! Girls, girls, girls everywhere!" Himiko wrinkled her nose.

  "I bet it smelled like fish in that world," she muttered. 

   "Fish?! Why would it smell like-...oh! Hahahaha!" Tenko said. "No, no, Himiko! We didn't have to deal with that because there was need for it! All the girls came from 'Girl Flowers,' remember?" 

   "Oh...I guess that's true," Himiko replied, shaking her head at the absurdity. Suddenly, there was a knock at their door. Tenko went over to open it. Standing on the other side were Tsumugi, Angie, Maki, Miu, Gonta, Ryoma, and Kaito. 

   "Hey! What are you all doing here?!" Tenko demanded. "Especially you degenerates!" Ignoring Tenko, they all rushed right in and crowded around Himiko's bed. Himiko nervously pulled her blanket up to her face.

   "Nyeh...c-can I help you guys?" she whimpered. 

   "I had the most wonderful dream because of your cookies, Himiko!" Angie chirped. "Everyone in the whole wide world became a follower of Atua, and was welcomed into his kingdom!"

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