Pyramid Scheme (7)

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    Himiko confidently and elegantly strode her way through yet another tunnel that the staircase led to. Kokichi and Miu were staring at Himiko in amazement at how different she had been acting. 

   "Hey, Himiko? You sure seem to know where we're goin,'" Miu said. "How are you doing that?"

   "I just know," Himiko simply replied. "Come, we're not too far off from where we need to go. Just a bit further."

   "Why the hell are you talkin' like that?" Miu asked. "What's gotten into y-...oh, wait! I know what's gotten into you! Kokichi's dick! That's why you seem more confident!" Himiko whirled around angrily, glaring at Miu. 


   "N-N-No! I'm s-s-sorry! I was just j-joking!" Miu whimpered with fear and confusion. Even Kokichi stared at Himiko in shock. Himiko shook her head as if to clear her mind.

   "'s keep going, then, okay?" she said, sounding much more like her normal self. As she walked on, her usual gait became more confident and elegant again. Kokichi and Miu shared puzzled glances. 

   "Y-You heard that, r-right?" Miu asked in a quaky voice.

   "She called herself 'queen,'" Kokichi replied, stroking his chin in thought. "What's up with that?" He thought back to Himiko mentioning her strange connection to the pyramid. "Hm...I wonder if-"

   "Are you two coming?" Himiko called back to them. 

   "We're coming, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi called back, catching up to her with Miu right behind him. They finally exited the tunnel and entered a room that they haven't seen, yet. Next to the doorway that they had exited was another doorway. Across the room was a single doorway. The wall to their left had two slits about six feet apart, while the other wall to their right was filled entirely with various drawings of strange symbols. 

   "Heeey, check this out! Somebody's been doin' graffiti in here! They're gonna get in trou-ble!" Miu said, pointing at the symbols on the wall.

   "They are hieroglyphs," Himiko explained in a regal tone. "Hieroglyphs are our way of writing by using symbols to communicate with each other."

   "What do you mean our way, Himiko?" Kokichi asked, raising a brow at her. Himiko stared at him and blinked. 

   "Nyeh? Oh...I mean, it was they way they wrote in ancient Egypt," she corrected herself. 

   "How do you know so much about ancient Egypt?" Miu asked. "I thought you only knew about magic."

   "Magic?!" Himiko asked sharply, staring Miu in the eye. "I know not of which you speak!"

   "Ee-eeee...magic!" Miu squealed. "Y-You always talk about it!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now