Tenko's Little Secret (1)

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     "D'oh! What is he doing?! What is she saying?!" Tenko muttered to herself as she looked out of her and Himiko's bedroom window using her binoculars. "Oh, no! She looks happy! She's going to say yes to him!"

   "Nyeh...what's going on?" came Himiko's voice from the doorway. Tenko quickly threw her binoculars on her bed and jumped on it, pretending to read a magazine. "Um...Tenko? I saw all of that," Himiko said. Tenko sighed and stood up from her bed.

   "Okay, okay..." she mumbled. "Um...Himiko, I wanna tell you a secret, but you gotta promise to keep it that way, okay?"

   "Nyeh...sure!" Himiko replied, though she already figured where this was going. Tenko rushed over to the bedroom door and closed it. Then, she closed the blinds, shrouding the room in semi-darkness from the broad daylight. Then, she turned a flashlight on and shone it under her face. "Tenko, is there a reason for you to have a flashlight? It's not that dark."

   "Because, I'm about to reveal to you a deep, dark secret I've been keeping for a long time that not even my Neo-Aikido is strong enough to help me keep it concealed, and if I don't let it out, I'll probably explode!" Tenko whispered, not bothering to take a breath between her words.

   "Oh, okay, then," Himiko said. "What's your secret?" Tenko took a deep breath.

   "I...have a crush...on Rantaro," she finally said. "Isn't that crazy?!"

   "Um...yeah, yeah! Sooo crazy." Himiko replied. The truth was that Himiko already knew about Tenko's crush on Rantaro due to her and Kokichi going inside one of Tenko's dreams in the past.

   "I know, right?!" Tenko whispered. "I mean, I know I'm supposed to hate those degenerate males, but...but...something is different about Rantaro. Plus, he's...d'oh! I hate saying this!"

   "Nyeh...you think he's hot?" Himiko asked with a smile. Tenko blushed.

   "Okay...yes!" she squealed. "That, and he kisses good! Remember that one time when we all played Spin the Bottle?"

   "How could I forget?" Himiko asked. "Just don't ask me to look at the sky for a flashback."

   "Huh?" Tenko asked, tilting her head in confusion. 

   "Never mind, it's a long story that would be a pain to explain," Himiko replied. "But what about Spin the Bottle?"

   "Remember I kissed Rantaro?!" Tenko asked excitedly.

  "Yeah, I remember," Himiko replied. "You went over the 7 second mark and ended up kissing him for 12 seconds."

   "Because that boy is so...mm!" Tenko replied, fanning herself. "OH, NO!! I even called him a...a...b-boy just now!!"

   "Because...that's...what he is?" Himiko replied.

   "No, no! He's supposed to be called a degenerate male! " Tenko corrected. "I can't believe this! I'm becoming weak by a...b...b..."

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