Kokichi's New Power (2)

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     As Kokichi and Himiko entered Casa V3, they came across Maki, who strode towards them as soon as she noticed them come in.

   "There you guys are," she said. "Dinner is ready. Are you going to eat, or not?"

   "Nee-heehee...we will, Maki, don't worry!" Kokichi replied. "Buuuut, before we eat, I wanna show you something!" Maki sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

   "What is it?" she asked.

   "Now, now, don't give me attitude," Kokichi said. "It'll only take a few seconds!"

   "Kokichi...I don't have time for your nonsense," Maki muttered. She turned to leave.

   "Do you wanna die?" Kokichi asked. Maki whirled around angrily, staring Kokichi dead in his eyes.

   "What did you say to me?" she asked in a threatening voice.

   "I said...do you wanna die?" Kokichi repeated in a soothing voice as he kept his eyes fixated on Maki's. For some reason, Maki couldn't tear her eyes away from Kokichi's. Something about his eyes seemed enticing and welcoming. They seemed to glow a warm, irresistible purple that Maki couldn't pull away from. 

   "I...don't...wanna...die," Maki murmured. Himiko's mouth gaped as Kokichi lifted his yo-yo in front of Maki's face, and started swinging it back and forth like a pendulum. 

   "Listen...to the sound...of my voice...Maki Harukawa," Kokichi spoke in a soothing, lulling voice. "Are you...feeling relaxed...Maki?"

   "Yeah..." Maki replied. "Your eyes are so...pretty."

   "Thank you..." Kokichi replied with a devious grin. "I bet you're...feeling a bit sleepy...aren't you, Maki?

   "S-Sleepy..." Maki mumbled in response. Her eyes began to droop. 

    "I will count...to ten...Maki...and...when I get to ten...you will be fully...relaxed," Kokichi continued. "One...two....three...four..." As Kokichi counted, Maki's eyes felt heavier. "...five...six...now, Maki...you are so relaxed...that you are now...in a trance...seven..." He paused to lift Maki's chin. "...Maki...you are so deep...in a trance...that when I reach ten...you will be completely...under my command...eight...nine...ten." At ten, Maki completely shut her eyes. "Good...Maki, darling..." Kokichi purred. Himiko breathed in hushed excitement, clutching onto Kokichi's arm. Kokichi smiled at Himiko and held up a finger indicating to her to watch. "Maki, whenever Kaito calls you Maki Roll, you will..." He paused to think. Himiko leaned forward to whisper in his ear. Kokichi giggled. "...you will clap your hands and bark like a seal nine times." He looked at the clock, which read 7:15. "As soon as the clock strikes 7:30 tonight, you will no longer be under my command. You will forget that I hypnotized you, and if Kaito asks about your strange behavior, you will tell him that you were messing around with him, you know...as a joke. Understand?" Maki nodded her head, her eyes still closed. "Now, Maki, darling, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up." Kokichi snapped his fingers and Maki immediately snapped back to attention.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now