Substitute Kokichi (2)

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    The next afternoon, Himiko's phone rang. She was ecstatic to see that Kokichi was calling her, and immediately answered the phone.

   "KOKICHI!!" she exclaimed happily.

  "Hey, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi replied. " are you, besides sleepy?"

   "I'm okay," Himiko replied in a quiet voice. 

   "Bored, huh?" Kokichi asked. 

  "Yeah," Himiko said sadly. "It's no fun without you, and...I really miss you."

  "D'aw, you're makin' me blush, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi gushed. "I would have called sooner, but I knew you were still asleep, so I waited a bit."

   ", your plane landed a few hours ago?" Himiko asked.

  "No, actually, it landed almost an hour ago," Kokichi replied. "It's like, 3:45 a.m. here, and I know you usually get up around noon over there, so I just waited until then to call you."

   "Nyeh...d'aw, Kokichi, you know me so well! You're makin' me blush!" Himiko said, imitating Kokichi. 

   "Nee-heehee...I can tell!" Kokichi teased. "I can practically feel the heat from your wittle blushy-wushy cheeky-weekies!" Himiko giggled goofily after hearing that, due to the fact that she really was blushing.  "Haha, well, I gotta go, Himiko. I gotta take care of some things." Himiko felt her heart drop.

   "Okay," she replied forlornly. 

   "I'll see you when I get back, 'kay?" Kokichi said.

   "Okay," Himiko replied quietly. 

   "I wuv yooouuuu..." Kokichi said in a silly voice. Himiko giggled softly through her tears.

  "I wuv you, too," she said, trying to also be silly. She heard Kokichi chuckle.

   "Later, babe," he said. 

   "Bye," Himiko replied softly. After a few seconds, she heard Kokichi hang up. Himiko put her phone down as tears streamed from her eyes. 

   "Himiko? You okay?" Tenko asked as she entered the room. Himiko nodded wordlessly as she wiped her face with her hands. Tenko sat down on Himiko's bed next to her and wrapped her arms comfortingly around her. "Don't cry, Himiko. Soon, you'll be hearing that degen-...I mean...Kokichi's voice in no time again! You'll see!" Himiko stopped crying all of a sudden as she remembered something.

  "'re right," she replied. "Maybe a lot sooner than I thought!"

  "Huh? What do you mean?" Tenko asked. Without answering, Himiko immediately got out of bed and got dressed. She then headed next door to 7th Island House and knocked on the door. Ibuki answered the door.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now