Romeo and Juliet (1)

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     "Haha, I got your noodles, Himiko!" Kokichi laughed as he reached into Himiko's bowl with his chopsticks to grab her noodles. 

     "HEY!!" Himiko exclaimed, as she snatched her bowl away. But it was too late; Kokichi had already nicked a bunch of her noodles, and began slurping them. As the last noodle went into his mouth, a drop of ramen juice flung onto Himiko's face. "'re such a pain!" Himiko muttered, wiping the juice from her face. Kokichi gave her a cheeky grin.

   "Nee-heehee...but ramen always tastes better from *your* bowl, Himiko," Kokichi said. Himiko glared at him in annoyance, and continued eating her dinner. Every time she would suck the noodles into her mouth, Kokichi would playfully move his head along with the motion of the noodles, causing Himiko to giggle. 

   "Nyeh...just because I'm laughing, doesn't mean I'm not mad at you," she mumbled testily. Kokichi poked out his lower lip, and made whimpering noises. He then began nuzzling his cheek against Himiko's. Himiko sighed. This was Kokichi's way of trying to get her to soften up, and much to Himiko's annoyance, it always worked. "Okay, okay...I forgive you," she said.

   " every time!" Kokichi teased. Then he grabbed Himiko's hand, and began to kiss the back of it noisily in a playful way. He then kissed his way up her arm, to her shoulder, and then to her cheek, making Himiko giggle again. "Nee-heehee...I made you laugh agaaaiiiin," Kokichi teased, pressing his forehead against Himiko's.

   "No, stop it," Himiko replied bashfully, pulling the brim of her hat down over her face.

   "No, *you* stop it," Kokichi cooed, lifting her brim back up. They started playing tug-of-war with the brim of her hat with Himiko trying to pull it down, and Kokichi lifting it back up. "You can't hide from me, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi started nuzzling Himiko's nose with his, causing Himiko to lean backwards. She started blushing and giggling louder.

  "Aauugghhh...Kokichi, stop!" she giggled as he continued to nuzzle her nose. Himiko was now leaning so far off her seat that she had to grab the back of her chair to keep herself from falling. Finally, Kokichi stopped nuzzling her nose, and Himiko was free to pull herself straight up into her seat again. Himiko found herself giggling uncontrollably, which made Kokichi laugh, as well. 

   "Ughh...can you two please be quiet?" Maki asked from the other side of the table. Besides Kokichi and Himiko, she had been the only other person in the dining hall. She was reading as she ate her dinner. 

   "Nyeh...sorry, Maki," Himiko replied apologetically. Kokichi, however, smirked at her. 

  "Awww...are we being too loud, Maki?" Kokichi asked. "Or are you being too jealous?"

   "Kokichi!" Himiko hissed. Maki glared at Kokichi, but didn't say anything. She turned her attention back to her book. Kokichi wrapped his arms around Himiko, and began kissing her cheek noisily.

   "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! I looooove you, Himiko!" he said loudly. Glaring daggers at him, Maki sighed in frustration and slammed her book shut. She stood up, and stomped out of the dining hall, leaving her dinner at the table. Kokichi stuck his tongue out at her as she left. Himiko smacked his arm. 

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