The Case of the Missing Pop Star (3)

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    Shuichi rang the doorbell to Sayaka's mansion, and waited a few seconds. Right as Kokichi and Himiko made it to the front porch to join Shuichi, the wind began to blow, along with a light drizzle from the typhoon. 

   "Looks like we made it just in time," Shuichi muttered in relief as he, Kokichi, and Himiko looked at the gloomy, darkening sky. The door opened to reveal Sayaka, who looked at Shuichi with joy, but at Kokichi and Himiko with confusion.

   "Shuichi! I'm so glad you could make it!" she said. "But...why are Kokichi and Himiko here?"

  "Ah, well, they're, partners for now," Shuichi explained. "They'll be assisting me on this case."

   "Oh! Um...I see," Sayaka replied with uncertainty. Then, she smiled at Kokichi and Himiko. "Nice to have you two here!"

   "Nee-heehee...I can tell you don't really mean that, Sayaka," Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "But, don't worry! We promise to be on our best behavior, right, Himiko?"

   "Nyeh...that's right," Himiko replied. "We'll be really good if you sing us another sea shanty." Shuichi and Sayaka stared at her in bewildered silence. Kokichi leaned in to whisper to Himiko.

   "They don't know about that Sayaka," he said.

   "Oh, yeah..." Himiko mumbled, then smiled innocently at Sayaka. " bad. That was just a lie." Shuichi sighed in frustration while Sayaka smiled gently at him. 

   "Well, come in, you guys," she said. "Let's get out of this rain so we can get you settled in. Also, I'd like you to meet my friends!"

   "We get to meet the rest of your pop group?!" Himiko asked with excitement. 

   "Mm-hmm!" Sayaka replied with a happy smile. Then, she suddenly appeared downcast. "Or...what's left of them, rather." Shuichi put a comforting hand on Sayaka's shoulder.

   "We will find Izumi, Sayaka," he said. 

   "That's right!" Kokichi replied. "Whether she's alive or a skeleton hanging out in the corner of the basement, or something, we'll find her!"

    "W-W-WHAT?!" Sayaka exclaimed in horror.

   "Don't listen to Kokichi," Shuichi said, glaring at Kokichi. "We'll find her alive." Sayaka nodded, trying to relax. "Um, Sayaka, why don't you show Himiko to her room, real quick? Kokichi and I will catch up. I have to talk to him about something."

   "Sure!" Sayaka replied. "Let's go, Himiko!" Himiko followed Sayaka, but looked back in concern at Kokichi, who winked back at her, indicating that he'd be alright. 

   "Kokichi..." Shuichi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now