Himiko, the New Girl (1)

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    Himiko sighed contentedly as she laid her head down on the soft grass, and felt the warm, late-afternoon breeze gently caress her face. She looked up at the sky, where the cottony clouds glowed a golden yellow from the setting sun. Himiko smiled up at the sky. She loved her alone time. Sometimes, she'd spend it in her room, but with Tenko and the others around, she couldn't exactly get away. Whenever that happened, she'd make her way to the park and watch the sky turn from blue, to the evening's orange and pink, and then to the beautiful, starlit black of night. It was still bright outside, so Himiko used this time to get lost in her imagination and look at the different shapes of clouds, which was something she also enjoyed. She pointed to a cloud that seemed to have two bumps on top, and was pointed at the bottom.

  "Nyeh...that looks like a heart," she said to nobody in particular. Then, she spied another cloud and pointed to that one, as well. "That one looks kinda like a hippopotamus. And *that* one over there looks like a, um...hmm...a flower, I guess?"

  "Really? It looks like a beetle with its guts all squashed out to me," a voice came from next to her.

   "WAAHHH!!!" Himiko cried out in horror as she bolted upwards. She looked beside her to see Kokichi lying in the grass next to her with a mischievous smirk on his face. "You...You idiot!" she cried. "What are you doing here?! You scared the life out of me!"

   "Nee-heeheee...sorry, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi replied, laughing. "I was bored, so I decided to see what you were up to." 

   "Nyeh...well, next time, don't sneak up on me like that," Himiko mumbled, sheepishly pulling the brim of her hat down over her face. 

   "Aww...but sneaking up on people is something that I'm really good at!" Kokichi said, giving her a cheeky grin. Himiko shot him an annoyed look. "Nee-heeheee...okay, Monkey Buns. I'm sorry."

   "If you're going to stay here, you have to be quiet," Himiko said. "This is my relaxation time." Kokichi ran his thumb and forefinger across his lips like a zipper.

   "My lips are sealed!" he said. Himiko eyed him skeptically, but laid her head back down onto the grass and sighed. Because Kokichi was there, she felt awkward pointing out cloud shapes to herself, so instead, she merely closed her eyes, and began to drift away into a silent reverie. "Hey, Himiko, remember when we first met?" Kokichi asked after a few minutes of silence. Himiko's eyes flew open, and she was about to scold Kokichi for talking until she thought about what he had asked.

   "Nyeh...why did you bring *that* up?" she asked with curiosity. 

   "I dunno..." Kokichi replied, looking up at the sky. "It's just...something that I like looking back on every now and then." Himiko's eyes widened with surprise.

  "R-Really?!" she said. Kokichi turned to smile at her.

  "Yeah," he said. "I miss those days when you used to get flustered every time I teased you." Himiko blushed and smiled shyly.

   "I mean...I still get kinda...flustered," she said as she bashfully traced the grass with her finger.

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