Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(8)

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     Later that night after making sure her mom and sisters were asleep, Himiko quietly dolled herself up in the yellow dress that she had asked Tsumugi to alter for her, and the black pumps. She also remembered to slip on the ruby ring that the Phantom Thief had given her. She looked at herself in the mirror, and groaned with disappointment.

  "Mmm...something's missing," she muttered to herself. "Nyeh...maybe I need to fix my hair!" She reached for her brush, and ran it through her short, red hair. "Hmm...should I make it into a ponytail? No...that's too formal. Pigtails? No...too Kimiko-ish." She left her hair down and spied a black headband with a bow on the side, and put it in. "Hm...I hope that's okay," she mumbled. "Ugh...I should have learned how to do makeup! I look like a toad! Um...I suppose I could wear my strawberry lip gloss." She reached for her lip gloss in her drawer and applied it to her lips, coating them in the shiny, sparkly, strawberry-scented substance. She looked at herself in the mirror again. "Well...I guess that's fine. I think I look-OH, NO!!! I need to check my breath!" She remembered from earlier that Kokichi had told her that her breath stank. Though he said that was a lie, Himiko wanted to make double sure her breath was okay. She rushed to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth three times with mouthwash. "Nyeh...that should be okay," she muttered to herself. She ran back to her room, checked the mirror for anything stuck in her teeth, or anything else that may have not looked like she wanted.

   "My, my, do girls always go through this when they get ready for a date?" came the low and smooth voice of the Phantom Thief. Himiko turned in surprise at her open window, where the Phantom Thief had been sitting on the sill.

   " long have you been sitting there?" Himiko asked. 

   "Well...let's just say that I think you'd look rather adorable in pigtails, like Kimiko...whoever she is," the Phantom Thief replied.

   "Oh...haha...she's one of my little sisters," Himiko replied shyly. 

   "Ah, I see," the Phantom Thief replied. Suddenly, Himiko's eyes widened.

  "Oh, before I forget, did Kokichi tell you what's going to happen tonight?" she asked, walking up to the Phantom Thief. 

   "He did," the Phantom Thief replied. "And it sounds very intriguing."

  "Really?!" Himiko asked. "You're seriously thinking about going back there, even though you know that Shuichi and Kyoko-er...those are the detectives' names-are going to be there waiting for you?"

   "Oh, I'm not *thinking* about it, love," the Phantom Thief replied. "I already have my mind set on going back! It's just the type of challenge I love! Besides, I can't really sit around and do nothing while that poor girl in the cafeteria is without  her teddy bear. We must go retrieve it for her, don't you think?"

  "Nyeh...I guess you're right," Himiko said. "I guess I'm just kind of nervous, that's all."

  "No need to worry, my love," the Phantom Thief said. "With you by my side, anything is possible." He stepped down from the window sill, and walked up to Himiko. He took her hand in his and stroked it gently with his thumb. "By the way, you look absolutely stunning in that dress...just as I had predicted." Himiko's cheeks turned pink.

   "Thank you," she replied bashfully. "I'm even wearing the ring you gave me last night."

  "So I see," the Phantom Thief murmured softly. "It belongs nowhere else but on your finger." He caressed her face, causing her to blush harder and giggle bashfully. 

   "Oh! Um...I...I'm sorry if this is rude, but...I wanted to ask about Kokichi?" she said suddenly. The Phantom Thief tilted his head with curiosity.

   "Hm? What did you want to know about him in particular, lovely?" he asked. Himiko opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. She pondered her response for a while before speaking.

   "Well, um...remember when I told you last night that he would always pick on me for no reason?" she asked. The Phantom Thief nodded. "Well...we had a few conversations earlier today, and...I sat with him at lunch, and,'s just that...I th-think he might not be as bad as I thought?"

   "Hmhmhmhmmm...are you developing feelings for him?" the Phantom Thief chuckled. 

   "I...I'm not sure," Himiko replied with uncertainty. "I feel like I shouldn't like him at all because of how he was treating me before, but, after hanging out with him today, I dunno, I saw a different side of him, and...I thought it was...nice." 

   "I see," the Phantom Thief replied thoughtfully. Strangely enough, Himiko felt that he was smiling slightly due to the tone of his voice.

   "Oh, but...I don't want you to think that I don't like you, because I really do!" Himiko said, putting her hands on the Phantom Thief's arm. "It's just that...the thought of liking both of you feels weird...and confusing."

  "Hm, well, I admit that even though Kokichi can be quite...rude and obnoxious, sometimes, I believe that there is a, um...benevolent and playful side to him," the Phantom Thief said. "But...don't take *my* word for it. This is something you should explore on your own so you can make the final decision on who to set your sights on."

  "You wouldn't mind if ended up choosing him over you?" Himiko asked incredulously.

   "Of course not," the Phantom Thief replied. "What kind of person would I be if I took away your right to choose? You have free will, correct? It wouldn't be fair for me to just take you all for myself just because I didn't agree with your choice, now, would it? Besides, I feel like you'd be more happier with Kokichi."

  " really think so?!" Himiko asked.

  "Indubitably," the Phantom Thief replied mysteriously. "But, please, don't take my word for it. As I said before, it is up to you to figure that out on your own." Himiko nodded with a small smile. "Now that that's out of the way, it is time for us to make our return to Junko's mansion." The Phantom Thief reached behind him and pulled out a mask that looked exactly like his, and a black top hat with a checkered band. 

   "What's that for?" Himiko asked.

   "They are disguises for you," the Phantom Thief replied, handing Himiko the objects. "I have to admit that I was rather careless with you last time. Your identity could have been exposed. But this time, I wanted to make sure you were more prepared." Himiko put the mask on, and then the hat. Then, she looked at herself in the mirror.

  "Ooo, I look so mysterious," she giggled bashfully as she playfully twirled her dress around. 

   "Yes...mysterious and beautiful," the Phantom Thief replied. He then held out his hand to her. "Come, my love. We must be off." Himiko took his hand, and the two silently made their way out of Himiko's bedroom window, and into the night.

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