The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (8)

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     "Okaaay, girls! Let's go ahead and practice our Fuji Flips!" Kokichi said the next morning, as he and the girls gathered together outside on the field. "The big game is today, and we need as much pep in our step if we want our team to win against Dream Summit Academy!" Himiko stifled laughter as Kokichi spoke. His "girl talk" was so cringey that she was surprised the other girls hadn't seen through his ruse, yet. 

   "Dream Summit Academy's basketball team is pretty good," Miu admitted. "I wouldn't be surprised if our team gets trounced by them."

   "Gee, way to show school spirit, Miu," Kaede muttered.

   "Shut up, A-cup, I'm only tellin' it like it is!" Miu said. 

   "Even if that is true, Miu, we still have to try, isn't that right, Chi-Chi?" Sonia asked Kokichi. 

   "You got it, princess!" Kokichi replied, giving her a wink and a thumbs-up. Sonia's cheeks flushed with pride. "Remember, ladies, we're the driving force behind the team. Without us, they wouldn't have anything to raise their spirits."

   "Haha, without us, their spirits wouldn't be the *only* thing not raising," Miu cackled.

   "Shut up with your dirty jokes! They're not funny!" Hiyoko yelled. 

   "Eeeeeee...sorryyyyy...." Miu whimpered. "I only said it to lighten the mood."

   "You're the one who darkened it in the first place!" Hina pointed out. 

   "I...know...why do you think I was trying to lighten it up?" Miu whined. 

   "Hey! Listen to me!" Kokichi shouted, clapping his hands together one time, causing the girls to snap to attention. "Fall in! Now!" Without questioning him, the girls immediately formed a line, standing side by side next to each other. Kokichi began to pace back and forth along the row of cheerleaders with his hands behind his back. "I did not come to this school to witness such a pathetic excuse for a cheerleading squad! Now, we are going to practice our routine, we are going to make our team win, and we are *not* going to whine and complain about it anymore! Do I make myself clear?"

   "Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" the girls instinctively shouted in response. 

   "Good!" Kokichi said. "Now, are we a pathetic cheerleading squad?"

   "No, ma'am!" the girls replied.

  "I said...are...we...a pathetic...cheerleading squad?" Kokichi repeated louder, enunciating every word.

   "NO, MA'AM!" the girls repeated even louder.

   "Then, prove it to me!" Kokichi said. "And I want you to prove it to yourselves, and everybody else who is going to be in that freaking gym this afternoon, do you get me?"

   "We get you, ma'am!" the girls responded enthusiastically. Himiko felt her chest swell with pride and admiration watching Kokichi inspire and encourage the other girls.

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