The Earth Kingdom (5)

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    "Nyeh? Who were you expecting to find?" Himiko asked. A small smile crept its way onto Bonnie's face. 

   "Oo-ooooo...she's got a crush on someooone!" Kokichi teased. Bonnie's smile became bigger and she began to blush and giggle. "Nee-heehee...I knew it!"

   "Is that true, Bonnie?" asked Himiko. Bonnie nodded bashfully. 

   "Yes," she replied quietly. 

   "Oh," Himiko breathed. "Who is it?" 

   "Um, well..." Bonnie began with uncertainty.

  "We won't tell," Himiko assured. "We promise. Right, Kokichi?"

   "Pfftt...who am I gonna tell, the sky? " Kokichi replied. "I don't even know anybody here."

   "Okay, okay, you don't have to be so sassy about it," Himiko said. They both tilted their heads in a teasing way and playfully stuck their tongues out at each other. Himiko turned back to Bonnie. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell us. I understand."

   "Well...I do..." Bonnie said, lowering her voice as she looked around. When she felt safe that nobody was listening in, she leaned in towards Kokichi and Himiko. "It's not just an infatuation...he's my secret boyfriend." Kokichi and Himiko exchanged fascinated glances.

   "Ooooooooo!" they murmured with hushed intrigue.

   "Why is he a secret boyfriend?" Kokichi whispered eagerly. 

   "Because he's...Rocky Beaumont," Bonnie replied. Himiko gasped while Kokichi raised a brow in confusion.

   "Who?" he asked.

   "Nyeh...Rocky Beaumont is the prince of Terra Viridi," Himiko whispered. 

   "Ooohhhh..." Kokichi replied with a sneaky grin. "And you don't want your parents to know because they're totally against it!"

   "That's right," Bonnie nodded. "My parents are a little too proud. They want me to marry someone from Obsidian, but ever since the last meeting between the rulers of each kingdom, I couldn't stop thinking about Rocky. It was basically love at first sight. After talking to Rocky, I asked my parents if I could hang out with him another time. They must have seen my infatuation written all over my face because they got upset and forbade me to see Rocky ever again. That's when I decided to run away with Rocky, so we can have a life together."

   "Wow, that sucks!" Kokichi said. Bonnie tilted her head in confusion.

   "Sucks?" she asked. 

   "Basically, that means you're in a messy situation and there seems like no good way out of it," Kokichi explained.

   "Oh!" Bonnie said. "Then, yes, I suppose it does suck."

   "Nee-heehee...such a Sonia moment!" Kokichi snickered. Bonnie tilted her head in confusion once more.

   "Nyeh...don't worry about it," Himiko said. "He's referring to someone else we know." Bonnie nodded.

   "So, now that you know my true mission, will you help me?" she asked. Himiko looked uncertain.

   "I'm not sure about this, Bonnie," she answered. "I think you should think about what you're doing."

   "But you of all people should know what I'm going through," Bonnie said, gesturing to Kokichi. "He's  your boyfriend even though mages and nonmagical humans normally don't have romantic relationships."

   "Well...that is true, but-" Himiko began.

    "I agree with Himiko," Kokichi interrupted. Bonnie stared at him in bewilderment. "Listen, Bonnie, I understand how ya feel, but think about it. If you betray your parents to meet some boy they forbade you to see, especially if he's the prince of a different kingdom, they're not going to take too kindly to it. They may even declare war on Rocky's kingdom, y'know? And that'll just make trouble for everyone else. You don't want that, do you?"

   "I...I..." Bonnie began. Then, tears began to stream from her eyes. "It's not fair," she whispered miserably. Himiko grabbed her hands comfortingly. 

   "Um, Bonnie? How about this, I'll take you to see Rocky, but only if you promise to return to Obsidian, okay?" Himiko offered. "What Kokichi said might be true, and I can't take that chance. And as a princess, you shouldn't be willing to, either."

   "Ugh...but I don't understand," Bonnie said with frustration. "You're a Guardian Mage, and your boyfriend is a regular human! Why can't I be with the one that I love?!"

   "Because your people that you will rule over one day trust and depend on you to make wise decisions that will keep them safe and secure," Himiko explained. "It's your responsibility as a princess to keep the peace between your kingdom and the others. My responsibility as a Guardian Mage is to protect mages and other magical creatures and guide them safely to wherever they need to go for whatever reason. I can make a few mistakes here and there, but your job is far"

   "Volatile," Kokichi finished for her. "If you make one wrong move, Bonnie, you could send your kingdom, and the others, into complete chaos and disarray." Bonnie hung her head sorrowfully.

   "I understand wat you're saying," she said. "I really do, it's just that..." she paused as a tear fell from her eye. "...always having to be confined in one place your whole life, never getting to do anything that makes me's just...not fair." Himiko looked at her sympathetically while Kokichi rubbed his arm uncomfortably. 

   "I'm sorry," Himiko replied softly. "I wish I could help you, Bonnie, really,'s for the best of the kingdoms." Bonnie perked up a little. 

   "If you could help my parents to understand why I like Rocky so much, would you help me?" she asked.

   "What do you mean?" asked Himiko. 

   "Maybe you could bring Rocky to my kingdom," bonnie suggested. "The king and queen of Terra Viridi are a lot more accepting and understanding than my parents are, and I'm sure they'd let Rocky travel to Obsidian to meet my parents!"

   "Well...I'll think about it," Himiko replied. "Let's just get you over to Rocky first." Bonnie nodded as a small smile of hope appeared on her face. Kokichi and Himiko, however, looked at each other with uncertainty. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now