Having Fun In Kaito's Car

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    "Haha, that was a good movie, don'tcha think, Monkey Buns?" Kokichi asked Himiko as they walked home, hand in hand. They had just got finished seeing a rom-com at the movies called "My Blind Date." 

   "Nyeh...yeah, it was kinda cheesy, though," Himiko replied.

   "Well, yeah, rom-coms usually are," Kokichi pointed out. "But as far as rom-coms go, that one was pretty good."

   "I think it had a good message," Himiko agreed. "Like, even though the main character was blind, her date was actually the blind one for not wanting to go out with her just because of her disability. And, in the end, he turned around and decided to marry her because she made him see the light."

  "Yup!" Kokichi replied. "Maybe rom-coms should be our thing, huh?" Himiko smiled.

  "Yeah..." she replied in a dreamy way. "I feel like if our relationship was in a movie, it'd be a rom-com. I'd be the shy, quiet girl, and you'd be the class clown that annoys everyone. I'd end up having a crush on you, but I don't want to admit it because I'd be afraid my friends wouldn't like me anymore. Then, there's a school dance where it's like a masquerade ball, and we have to dress up, and wear masks, and stuff. Then, you bump into me at the ball, and you apologize, and that's my chance to tell you my feelings for you, because it's not like you know who I am, anyways. And, then-"

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Himiko!" Kokichi said. "First of all...dang! How many imaginary backstories have you thought up for our relationship?! And, two, how wouldn't I know it's you? Your voice is super recognizable."

   "First...I think about different backstories for our relationship all the time," Himiko admitted. "Nyeh...and, two, because it's a rom-com!" Kokichi smiled, and rolled his eyes at her.

   "You're silly, you know that?" he said playfully as he booped her nose. 

   "Eeeee...yeah," Himiko replied bashfully. Kokichi leaned forward to give her a kiss. Himiko giggled blissfully, staring deeply into Kokichi's violet eyes. That is, until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye that made her gasp in fear, and grab Kokichi's arm.

   "What?!" Kokichi asked in alarm, looking in the same direction Himiko was staring, trying to find the source of her fear. They had finally arrived at Casa V3, and Himiko pointed at Kaito's car, which was parked in the driveway. The car itself was slightly moving up and down, and back and forth. 

   "K-Kaito's car is shaking!" she exclaimed. She looked around frantically at the ground, and the buildings around her. "I-Is it an earthquake?! Nothing else is shaking! I don't feel anything!" A smirk formed across Kokichi's face.

   "Nee-heehee...no, Himiko, it's not an earthquake," he replied. 

   "W-Well...what's causing it to shake like that?!" she asked in a horrified whisper.

   "Hmhmm...I'm sure that's Kaito and Maki having a grand ol' time in there," Kokichi said. Himiko's eyes widened.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now