Operation: Talk to Kokichi (Success...sorta)

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     *Last follow-up story to the previous one, and after this, I'll go back to the stories where Kokichi and Himiko are a couple, again! YAY!* ^-^

    Himiko sat in her room later that afternoon, preparing herself to go talk to Kokichi. She remembered what Rantaro said to her earlier about going to him for advice, so she decided to do that. She stood up from her bed, headed downstairs to Rantaro and Kiyo's room, and knocked on their door. A few seconds later, Rantaro opened the door, and gave Himiko a kind smile.

   "What's up, Himiko?" he asked. 

   "Well...I want to talk to, um...you-know-who, but I need help coming up with something to talk about," Himiko explained. 

   "Ah, I see," Rantaro said, inviting Himiko in. He closed the door, in case Kokichi happened to walk by. "Well, it always helps to talk about interests. Ask him what type of stuff he's into."

   "But, what if he lies?" Himiko asked. 

   "Haha, it helps to play along," Rantaro said. "Usually he lies to mess with people, or if he wants a reaction out of them. He's harmless, for the most part, so don't hesitate to play along with him." Himiko nodded. "He also likes it when you make things challenging for him. I don't know how you would do that in this case, but, I think it's something to keep in mind, anyway."

   "Nyeh...okay," she replied.

   "You can do it, Himiko," Rantaro said. "I believe in you."

   "Thanks, Rantaro," Himiko said with a smile.

   "No problem, li'l sis," Rantaro said, using his nickname for her as he ruffled her hair. Himiko left Rantaro's room, and went across the hall to Kokichi and Gonta's room. She lifted her knuckles up to knock on their door, but she hovered her fist out of nervousness. 

   Why am I so nervous? she thought to herself. Move your fist, already! She took a deep breath, but no matter how many mental pep talks she gave herself, she just couldn't bring herself to knock.

   "Just knock," whispered an encouraging voice beside her. 

   "AAAHHH!!" Himiko screeched, clutching the brim of her hat tightly as she crouched to the ground. She didn't have to look up to see who had said that, but because she had to force herself to act normal around Kokichi, she slowly stood up, and faced him. He was smirking playfully while leaning against the wall. "Nyeh...y-you scared me!"

   "Sorry!" Kokichi replied, flashing her a cheeky grin. "What are you doing standing outside the door?"

   "Oh! Uh...uh..." Himiko stammered. "I was just...uh...dropping by to see Gonta!" Still smirking, Kokichi raised an eyebrow at her.

   "Really?" he asked. "Why do you seem so nervous?"

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