From Lazy to Crazy

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    "Nyeh...time to get up, already?" Himiko muttered groggily to herself. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table, which read 3:30 p.m. "'s too early," she groaned, turning her head back around to face the wall. She had just woken up from her after-lunch nap, and even though she had spent most of the day sleeping, from her after-breakfast nap, to her after-brunch nap, and then her after-lunch nap, she was still sleepy. 

   "Himiko, c'mon! You can't stay in bed all day!" Tenko said, getting up from her desk. She walked over to Himiko's bed. "Bad things happen to people who stay in bed all day!" Himiko turned over to her.

   " what?" she asked blearily. 

   "Like missing out on Atua's greatness!" Angie exclaimed cheerfully, popping up from behind Tenko.

   "No...not that," Tenko said, frowning at Angie. "But you do miss out on a lot of fun stuff, Himiko! Like, hanging out with me and Angie!"

   " making out with Kokichi," Angie said with a sly grin. 

    "EW!!! Don't talk to Himiko about swapping spit with degenerates, Angie!" Tenko exclaimed in disgust. 

   "Well, it's true!" Angie said. 

   "I'll tell you guys what..." Himiko said. "...just let me finish my after-lunch-nap nap, which is a nap I take after having a nap after lunch...and then I'll get out of bed. Nyeh...night-night."

   "No, Himiko! No more napping!" Tenko said, pulling the blanket off of Himiko. "I don't care what you do, but you can't be sleeping in bed all day! Seriously, it's not good!" Himiko let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

   "Okaaayyyy..." she mumbled grumpily, and slid out of bed. "I'm gonna go downstairs to get juice, or something. Is that okay?"

   "That's fine," Tenko said, nodding approvingly. With untamed bedhead, Himiko trudged her way down the steps, and headed towards the kitchen. On her way there, she ran into Kokichi, who was drinking something from a can. 

   "Nee-heehee...hey there, my little, red-headed bedhead!" he teased, ruffling Himiko's messy hair. 

   "Mmm...don't start with me, right now, Kokichi," Himiko mumbled. 

   "Sorry, Drool of the Nile," Kokichi replied, looking at the dry line of slob at the corner of Himiko's mouth. "Sooo...did you finally get enough sleep? You've been sleeping all day!"

  "No, but Tenko's making me get out of bed, anyways," Himiko whined as she leaned her head against Kokichi's chest. "Nyeh...I'm so sleepy, and I miss my bed so much!"

   "Why don't you try drinking this?" Kokichi asked, showing her the can that he was holding to her.

   "Nyeh? What is that? My eyes are still blurry," Himiko said, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

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