Pyramid Scheme (8)

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    Himiko blinked in awe and disbelief as she stared at the drawing before her. She gasped softly as the others glanced in shock between the drawing and Himiko. 

   "Whoa..." Kaito murmured. "She looks a whole lot like..."

   "Me?" Miu asked, striking a proud pose. 

    "!" Himiko breathed in amazement.

   "Perhaps she may be related to you, Himiko," Kiyo guessed. 

   "Nyeh...I'm royalty?" Himiko asked dreamily. 

   "Here we go," Miu said jokingly, raising her hand as if she were raising the roof. "Queen Himiko is in the house!" 

   "So that's why the queen seemed so familiar in Kiyo's book!" Kokichi said. "She looks exactly like you, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kiyo opened his book back to the page with Queen Yuwanapisami's photo. 

   "Ah, of course," Kiyo gasped in astonishment. "I can't believe I did not see it before."

   "Haha! I knew you were my supreme lady for a reason!" Kokichi said, giving Himiko a hug.  Suddenly, the scarab beetle that had been in Himiko's hair flew away, startling Himiko. 

   "WAAAH!!!" she screamed. "WAS THAT ON MY HEAD?!" 

   "Huh? You weren't scared of it before," Kaito said. 

   "What are you talking about?" Himiko asked. "Big bugs like that always scare me." The others exchanged puzzled glances. 

   "Um...Himiko," Kiyo began. "Have you been feeling...strange, lately?"

   "," Himiko replied quietly. "Not really." Kokichi stared at her. Her response was too hesitant, as if she had thought about her answer. He knew she was lying. 

   "Are you sure, Himiko?" Kokichi asked, eyeing Himiko intently. "Are you sure you're not feeling sick?" Himiko stared back at him, confused at first. But then she understood. 

   "Well...I guess I do feel a little funny," she replied. "Kokichi, can you come with me for a second to sit down?"

   "Okie-dokie, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi replied with a smile. He turned to the others. "Can you guys wait here while I sit with Himiko? Hopefully she'll feel a little better."

   "Yeah, sure! Do whatever you need to do to help you feel better, Himiko!" Kaito said encouragingly. 

   "Yes, Himiko. Take all the time you need," Kiyo said. 

   "Haha...even if ya have to suck Kokichi's tiny-ass dick!" Miu cackled.

   "Next time you get trapped in a room where the walls are closing in, I can only hope that there are no escape routes," Kiyo said to Miu in annoyance. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now