Pyramid Scheme (2)

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    Miu was in her and Kaede's room tinkering with one of her inventions when she heard a light tap on her bedroom door. She whirled around to see Kokichi, Himiko, Kiyo, and Kaito lingering in her doorway. Kokichi was staring at her with the most devious smile she'd ever seen.

   "Hey, theeeere, Miu," he said as he sauntered mischievously towards her. Miu eyed him warily.

   "The hell do you want, Kokichi?" she asked cautiously. 

   "Nee-heehee...why do you sound so nervous? Calm down," Kokichi replied, giving Miu a cheeky grin. "I only wanna ask you a tiny, little, itty-bitty, teensy-weensy favor."

   "Tuh! It already sounds like a big ass favor to me!" Miu snorted.

   "Jeez, you didn't even hear what I had to ask!" Kokichi huffed. "At least let me tell you what it is before you start thinking about turning me down, you insufferable, weak-minded bitchlet!"

   "Okaaaay, okaaay!" Miu whined. "What do you want?"

   "Do you have something that'll fly us to Egypt?" Kokichi asked. Miu scrunched her face in shock and confusion.

   "Huh?! Egypt?! Why?!" she asked. 

   "I'm the one asking questions around here, got it?!" Kokichi demanded. "Now answer my question, you little pea-brained pigshit!" 

   "Ee-eeeeee...okay, okay!!" Miu whimpered. "Y-Yes, I've got s-something called a 'hoverjet.' It's kinda l-like a hovercraft, except it f-flies through air instead of on water."

   "See? That wasn't so hard, was it, Miu?" Kokichi murmured with a smug grin. "Now, take us to your hoverjet." 

   "Y-Yes, sir," Miu whimpered. "This way, please." Dejectedly, she stood up from her chair and led Kokichi, Himiko, Kiyo, and Kaito into her closet. Miu pressed a button on her closet wall, and the floor began to sink into the ground, like an elevator, only the floor underneath them was the only thing moving. 

    "Whoa! I didn't know you had this in your closet, Miu!" Kaito marveled. 

    "Nyeh...I wonder if I have something like this in my closet," Himiko mumbled. 

    "None of you guys should have a closet like this," Miu said. "I built this elevator to take me down to my inventing studio."

   "Your inventing studio?" Kiyo asked. "I was not aware you had one."

   "Well, prepare to be aware!" Miu said extravagance as the floor brought them down into a large, open room filled with various mechanical devices both large and small. "Behold, Miu Iruma's inventing studio!" 

   "Haha, hey! This is pretty sick, Miu!" Kaito exclaimed, looking around the room in amazement. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now