Kokichi's New Power (1)

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    "Again???" Himiko asked in disappointment, slumping her shoulders forlornly. Kokichi was walking Himiko to her last class of the day. "Nyeh...this is, like, the fourth time this week!"

   "Technically, it's the third because I had to go to the library on Monday," Kokichi corrected. "But don't worry, Himiko! I'll give you a big, juicy kiss before I go, okay?" he promised. 

   "I guess that's okay," Himiko replied sadly. After school for most of the week, Kokichi had to leave for D.I.C.E. headquarters. For what, Himiko was unsure. "But...are you sure you don't need my help? I thought the supreme lady was always supposed to help her supreme leader."

   "This is strictly supreme leader business, HimiCocoa Bean," Kokichi replied. "It's super-duper, extra, toteski top secret! It's something only the supreme leader of evil should handle!"

   "Well...okay, then," Himiko mumbled sadly. "Could you at least make it home before bedtime this time? I really miss you." 

   "Aw, you miss these cute lips, don't ya?" Kokichi teased before giving Himiko's cheek small kisses. Himiko squealed and blushed, playfully nudging Kokichi away from her.

   "Hee-hee, maybe," she giggled bashfully. 

   "No, not maybe," Kokichi cooed as he continued to kiss Himiko's cheek. "You miss my kisses a lot, don't you? Don't you, HimiCocoa Bean?" Himiko squealed and laughed with delight. 

   "Okay, okay, yes...I do," Himiko replied shyly. 

   "I know you do," Kokichi murmured playfully as he nuzzled his nose against her cheek. They arrived at Himiko's last class. "Alrighty, Monkey Buns! Here's your stop!" 

   "Nyeh...so, you'll meet me after school before you leave for...you-know-where, right?" Himiko asked timidly as she twiddled her fingers. 

  "Yup! I'll meet you outside the front entrance!" Kokichi replied. He gave Himiko a kiss. "See you after school, babe!"

   "Bye, Kokichi," Himiko replied, waving shyly goodbye. Kokichi waved back before heading off to his class. 


   After school, Himiko was waiting outside the front entrance of the school, like Kokichi said, but he was nowhere to be found. Himiko looked around with worry. She decided to wait a little longer. Fifteen minutes had passed, and Kokichi still hadn't shown up. Himiko gulped, fearing the worst. Kokichi hadn't been around after school for four days, and would only come back at night. He promised to meet Himiko after school today, but he hadn't shown up. Tears formed in Himiko's eyes as she began to connect the dots. Before she jumped to conclusions, however, she decided to take a visit to D.I.C.E. headquarters to see if Kokichi was really there. Once she got home to Casa V3, she snuck over to the backyard and headed far off into the distance until she came across old train tracks that led to an abandoned train station. In one of the train station's tunnels, she found a secret trapdoor and entered it, which led inside a tunnel. She followed the tunnel all the way to a ladder, which brought her up into a forest. She followed the worn patches of grass from footprints until she came upon a clearing, where the old, abandoned insane asylum serving as D.I.C.E. headquarters stood. Himiko walked up to the front door of the asylum and knocked. The door opened to reveal Three, the pigtailed clown.

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