Frankenhamster (5)

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    "Himiko, wake up," came Kaede's voice as she nudged Himiko awake. Himiko opened her eyes blearily. She looked up at Kaede, who was still in her pajamas, and then her clock, which read 6:30 a.m. Way too early for Himiko! Himiko turned back to Kaede.

   "'s too early," she mumbled, snuggling back into her blanket. "Wake me up when September ends."

   "I'm waking you up, now," Kaede said, pulling the covers off of Himiko. "Gundham is at the door! He wants to talk to you!" Himiko shot up, panic surging through her body. What could he have possibly wanted to see her about? Was it about Maga-Z? If so, why? Kokichi and Himiko had snuck him back in his cage the previous night. He was back safe and sound in his cage, right? 

   "W-Why does he wanna see me?!" she stammered. 

   "I don't know! Get up and find out for yourself," Kaede demanded, pointing outside Himiko and Tenko's room. Himiko closed her eyes and sighed. 

   "Is Kokichi down there?" she asked.

   "No, he just asked for you," Kaede replied. Himiko felt her heart stop. Only her?! Himiko gulped before reluctantly climbing out of her bed. 

   "Nyeh...okay, I'll be down in a bit," she replied in a quiet voice. "Just let me get dressed and-"

   "He said he wants to see you right now," Kaede said. "He said it's urgent. He's waiting for you in the living room." 

   "Oh...okay," Himiko mumbled. As Kaede walked back to her room to go back to sleep, Himiko crept down the stairs in apprehensive silence. It's okay, she thought to herself. Maybe he just wants to let me and Kokichi know that Maga-Z is back in his cage. With that in mind, she began to relax a little. The only question was...why did he only want to speak to Himiko? As she passed the boys' hallway, she heard a whisper.

   "Pssst...Himiko!" Himiko turned to see Kokichi waving her over. Himiko rushed over to him.

   "Kokichi!" she whispered with relief. "Gundham is here!"

   "I know," Kokichi replied. "I heard him say that he wants to talk to you about something."

   "But...what does he want to know?" Himiko whispered frantically, her voice growing louder the more upset she became. "We returned Maga-Z! There's no reason why Gundham should-" 

   "It's okay, Himiko. Just keep your cool, okay?" Kokichi whispered soothingly, holding a finger to her lips. "Just go out there and see what he wants. Maybe it's nothing." 

   "But he said it was urgent," Himiko said.

   "Well, maybe to him it is, but it's probably not a big deal at all. You know how Gundham always makes a mountain out of a molehill," Kokichi pointed out. Himiko began to calm down. She took a few deep breaths.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now