Tenko's Little Secret (End)

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   "Okay, wait right here, and I'll go get Ranny-Tanny," Kokichi said to Himiko. He had her hide behind the wall of the entrance into the kitchen. From there, she could see the entrance to the boys hallway, as well as the staircase that led to the girls hallway. Kokichi slinked off to Rantaro and Kiyo's room and knocked on their door. Rantaro answered it and smiled when he noticed Kokichi.

   "Hey, Kokichi," he said. "What brings you here?"

   "Girlfriend trouble!" Kokichi replied. 

   "Oh? Sounds serious," Rantaro replied. "What happened?"

    "Well...Himiko's pretty steamed at me," Kokichi said. "But it's probably better that you hear it from her mouth since you probably won't believe the words coming out of mine! Plus, you're like her big brother, so she probably feels better getting advice from you."

   "Huh, that's weird," Rantaro said with a sly grin. "She came to me about an hour ago saying how much she loves you."

   "Well, I screwed that up, then!" Kokichi replied with a shrug. "Seriously! Just go talk to her, already! I hate it when she's mad at me!" Rantaro smiled and rolled his eyes.

   "Alright, then. Where is she?" he asked. 

   "In her room," Kokichi replied. Rantaro headed upstairs while Kokichi went to retrieve Himiko. "Okie-dokie, Monkey Buns! We're all set!"

   "Nyeh...let's go see what happens," Himiko whispered as she began sneaking towards the direction of the stairs, but Kokichi stopped her.

   "Nah, we should probably give them some privacy," he said. Himiko looked at him in bewilderment and pressed her hand against his forehead.

   "Are you feeling okay?!" she asked. 

  "Yeah," Kokichi said. "But we should probably just sit in the living room and watch TV until Rantaro comes back down." He took her hand and led her to the living room. 

   "But I wanna-" Himiko protested.

   "Sit down, Himiko," Kokichi interrupted, holding up his hand to silence her.

   "But-" Himiko started.

   "Himiko!" Kokichi said authoritatively. "Supreme leader's orders!" This time, it was Himiko's turn to cross her arms and pout as she plopped herself on the couch next to Kokichi.

   "Nyeeeh...I never get to do anything fun! Everything's so boring all the time! I'm the supreme lady of magic! I should do whatever I want! Hmph!" she muttered to herself. Kokichi kissed her cheek before turning the TV on and switching through the channels for something to watch.


   Meanwhile, Rantaro knocked on the door to Himiko and Tenko's room. He was surprised when he heard Tenko answer from the other side, instead of Himiko. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now