Himiko Tries To Flirt

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     Himiko sighed heavily. She and Kokichi were sitting underneath their favorite tree in the park right next to the pond. Kokichi turned to her.

  "What's up with you?" he asked. Himiko slouched against Kokichi's shoulder.

  "Nyeeeh...I'm bored," she sighed. 

   "Ugh! But, I'm with you!" Kokichi exclaimed, frowning. "Are you saying that I'm boring, HimiCocoa Bean?!"

   "Not you," Himiko said. "Just...today. Today is boring."

  "Hmm..." Kokichi murmured pensively. He looked above him at the tree, its emerald green leaves bathed in a golden sheen under the bright, warm sunlight. He turned his attention to the cloudless baby blue sky, its reflection shimmering in the sparkling, calm water of the pond. The gentle breeze carried the sweet smell of the flowers around them. Kokichi grinned flirtatiously at Himiko.

  "Y'know, Monkey Buns, it's a nice day...for romance," he murmured. Himiko blushed, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

   "Nyeh...I thought you didn't like mushy stuff," she said. 

  "Normally, I don't, buuut...it's a good way of keeping things interesting, wouldn't you agree?" Kokichi replied, giving Himiko a wink. Himiko giggled bashfully. 

  "I guess," she said with a small shrug. Kokichi wrapped his arm around Himiko's shoulders and wiggled his brow at her.

   "So, let's make things interesting," he murmured. He started pecking her cheek with soft, tiny kisses. Himiko giggled.

   "Nyeh...Kokichi!" she breathed as he moved his lips down to her neck. She gently nudged him away, batting her eyelashes coyly at him. "You really like kissing my neck a lot."

  "Oh? Do you not want me to kiss you there?" Kokichi asked, grinning slyly as he reached for Himiko's hand. "That's fine. I can always go back to kissing just your han-."

  "No, no! The neck is fine!" Himiko interrupted quickly, reaching for Kokichi's head and pulling it back to her neck. Chuckling, Kokichi began planting kisses on her neck again. Himiko bit her lip in bliss. "I just didn't know you liked kissing my neck so much," she murmured as she giggled. Kokichi kissed her neck again.

  "Does it get your heart racing?" he asked. Himiko blushed bright red.

  "Nyeh...yes!" she squeaked. 

   "Well, that's why I do it," Kokichi said with another kiss on her neck. Himiko giggled again. 

  "You know what else gets my heart racing?" she said. Kokichi pulled away from her neck and leaned his forehead against hers.

  "What's that?" he murmured in a low, flirty voice. Himiko scrunched her shoulders with excitement.

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