Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(5)

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     The next day at school, Himiko was sitting in the cafeteria at breakfast time with her head on her arms, and a dreamy gaze on her face. She kept sighing with elation as she daydreamed on and on about the Phantom Thief. 

   "Himiko! Earth to Himiko! Are you daydreaming again?" Tenko asked, shaking Himiko out of her reverie. 

   "Nyeh? Oh...hey, Tenko," she said, disappointed to be in the real world. 

   "Why do you keep daydreaming, Himiko?" Angie asked. "You seem to always be lost in thought with a dreamy look on your face. Do you have a crush on someone?"

   "N-N-No!" Himiko replied, turning red. 

  "That stutter means that you're ly-iiing," Tenko teased with a smile. 

   "Ooo, speaking of lying, here comes the Lyin' King himself!" Angie chirped, pointing over to Kokichi. Usually, Himiko would have puked at the thought of Kokichi talking to her, but today, she was eager to speak to him.

   "Nee-heehee...hello, ladies!" Kokichi said. 

   "What do you want, you degenerate?!" Tenko spat. 

    "Relaaax, Tenko," Kokichi said. "I was just saying hi to you guys. What, I can't say the 'h' word?"

   "Not to us, you can't!" Tenko said. "So, why don't you just go away?" Kokichi shrugged.

   "Okie-dokie!" he replied. He gave Himiko a mysterious smile before heading out of the cafeteria. 

   ", that reminds me, I gotta go to the library to look up something for my science project," Himiko lied. She quickly stood up.

  "You seem like you're in a rush, Himiko," Angie said with a knowing smile.

   "Y-Yeah...are you sure you don't wanna stay for breakfast?" Tenko asked.

   "I'm sure..." Himiko mumbled, and rushed out of the cafeteria.

   "" Angie hummed with a smirk.

   "Why are you doing all that humming?!" Tenko asked in annoyance.

   "Atua told me something veeery interesting!" Angie said.

   " what?" Tenko muttered skeptically.

   "He says that Himiko may have a crush on a certain purple-haired liar," Angie replied. Tenko scoffed and crossed her arms haughtily at Angie.

  "Once again, Angie, your Atua is wrong," she said. "Who in their right mind would have a crush on Kokichi Ouma?! Especially someone as amazing and wonderful as Himiko!" Angie merely gave her an enigmatic smile and shrugged. 

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